Friday, September 02, 2005

Drawing I

This is truly Drawing I, and I think it'll be good for me. Yesterday's class had us doing 4 projects which drew (pun intended!) from one another. Scriptorians will remember that man learns "line upon line. Precept upon precept." [Isaiah] Anywhooo... Project one was to practice, and in the doing, warm up, by drawing straight lines using different body, paper, and pencil grip positions. I did these standing up and sitting down, with my "Standard grip", a newly tried "under the palm" and the "pinky grip" which was strange and something I'm still trying to get a grip on. Hahaha. Here are the lines. (no rulers allowed!) I was pretty happy I'd occasionally practiced this on my own through the years of doodledom.
Next came a discussion on Horizon (eyelevel - eyelines), Perspective(s), and vanishing points. We did work from a one point perspective and drew cubes which were to be both above and below the eyeline.
Still with me? LOL! Then we really opened up and got inside the space in the box with 2 point perspectives. Remember, Art Teachers want you to work big, and so the newsprint paper we had is double the size of the printer I have, so not everything will show, like my vanishing points which I honestly have labeled VP1 and VP2 on my paper here. :) like the good kid I am! lol
The last thing and the still unfinished thing, which is therefore the homework thing, is a sample drawing of 6 or so cubes from around the house. Stuff like a Table, Chair, TV, Washing Machine, Tissue Box, if it's a cube, draw it but be sure to leave in our search or guidelines (perspective lines) per the teachers request. He wants a raw lined version and then a duplicate of the item with more details lightly sketched in. I got somebody's water jug drawn in class before I digressed to drawing a statue of a Goddess clutching bunches of grapes into a cubist form, along with the barest hint of the desktop stereo we were listening to. Artist goove on the creative vibe doncha know? I'll finish up the assignment here over the weekend and yeah, I'll scan it a second time so I can record my progress here. .
Hope everyone of YOU have a great weekend.
. . .


Dorko said...

Wow. I might have to add a word verifier??? Grrrrr... Didn't think I'd have to already BE a tech guru to blog, figured I'd learn along the way, never thought spammers would spoil the fun. !?

Burfica said...

your first one looks like what I doodle when on the phone. LOL

Can't wait to see more drawings.

The Bobo Knitter said...

Cool sketches!

DLAK said...

ALL FUCKING SPAMMERS MUST FUCKING DIE!!! I wrote that on my blog and they havnt been back since. I would love to know more about this "class" do you get to see naked people?

Libby said...

dorko...i have absolutely no ability to draw (not even stick people!), however, i admire people who can!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

taffy_stuck said...

Hi it's me again. It's really great to see that you're taking a class in which you really like. I took an art lesson before. The teaching techniques are probably all the same throughout the world. At first drawing those lines and cubes doesn't really makes sense to me at all (a bit boring, actually), but believe me, it helps. Keep it going! Keep us updated about your progress!

MomThatsNuts said...

your already so talented!! I could taking a class and still not be able to draw a straight line. Thats why Microsoft invented PRINT Have a great time with your line upon lines...


1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.