Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I would finish it, but...

RE: "Hey Seuss!?"


I know.

I know, I know, I know!

I said I would finish it, but...

Monday found me @ play with a cherubim who, quickly, laughingly, turned into a mermaid.


We had quite a time, splashing, sucking on ice cubes together, then, donning her dreaming wings once more (& with shy smiles & sweet sighs) we were off - to the land of Winkin', Blinkin' & Nodd.

I'll bring the rest of the story to you soon...

very soon.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Happy Birthday"


Had you lived on, you would have been 55 today -
(eligible for membership in AARP and for certain Senior Citizen discounts featured in US businesses - nation wide)
- I just had to point that out...
but, you didn't make it that far...,
on this side of "the veil"

24 hours, (more or less) before you passed away -
you sent up your last words to me -
Sealed with a kiss and mailed out -
from your hand to my heart,
It arrived on my birthday...
The same day they posted your obituary on the 'net'
- For the love you give...
- for the way you always know...
- for the thoughtfulness...
- God Bless you..
"I Love You!"

The final "Bouquet" was beautiful to me...

How could I not remember you today?
...and give thanks for the love you gave to me...
The picture of your hand here, is linked to a beautiful site -
one I know you would have approved of...

God rest your soul, Ricky D.,
... be with you, 'til we meet again.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Kitler" -???

Good grief, it blows the mind, just what you can find, on the www!

(Someone forwarded this link on to me, I found it sitting in my e-mail files... like a little kitty bombshell. Yah. I'm Still trying to get caught up on them things... er, that would be the e-mails, insert sheepish grin here X)
Check this out now... if that initial page wasn't entertainment enough for you - check out the opposing view points:

We Love Kitlers vs. We Hate Kitlers


In other late breaking news: the neices are all gathered in town.
They range in age from 1 & 1/2 to 15.
2 of them, the 2 that share the same christian name, will celebrate birthdays within a week of each other. There was one birthday just today and the other's was last Saturday.
Being their beloved Aunt - (forever and always pronounced and sometimes written as "Ant" in my family) - I want to tell them some good stories.
I thought about this one.... maybe you can give it a read, & tell me what you think - entertaining for children or not?

"Hey, Seuss!?"

My kitty-kitty gave me a good scare recently.

She turned liquid, and slid, like quick sliver, out the carport door one night, this was late one Saturday night, mind you - just as I was trying to batten down all hatches, getting ready for bed.

Calling after her did no good.

She's a tortoise-shell calico, you know, and within a couple languid quick-steps, (& with a swish of her tail, as if waving "Ta-Ta" to me,) she was gone, into the night.

Her dematerializing-disappearance act - rivals any master illusionist - bar none.

The tricky thing is, I don't believe she knows just how completely, her camouflage coat melds her into every sceen outside the house.... 'course, that cloaking factor for her, could be heightened, just for me, seeing's how I've hit the bi-focal years ... and .... it was a pitch black night - at least it was underneath the carport.

I had an impluse prompting me to run her down, & I'd have done it, too...
(Yeah. I said that, just like I think I really could! lol!)
In a flash, my impulse, was considered and dropped -
...because I was barefooted, and I have learned not to risk taking on the goat head stickers, now well established, wherever nothin' else is.
...and, well, kitty is cooped up nearly all the time -
...and it was a beautiful, temparate summer's eve -
...and she never goes near the highway...
...and so...


I muttered after my paisley little princess.

"I'm going to bed."

I announce this, to the lack luster carport - with a huffy emphasis on the 'me' part of it all.
I gently shut the door, hungry for sleep, downing all the lights on my way back to bed.


I'm ashamed to admidt it:
I forgot about her.

She was out all night.

I was up way early for Sunday morn, and it took me a couple hours to realized she wasn't padding around, adding her spunk to our morning routines.

You know?
Kitty stuff, like:

After carefully checking the kitchen (& her dish), the "kitty kung-fu" kicking of the bathroom door open, just so she can, then, royally, saunter in, to hang out with me while I'm doing MY thing.

The making of the furry figure 8s around my bare-nakid legs - then
surrying off to the kitchen (& her dish) when I hang up the toothbrush

- or -

The purching of her bad-kitty-self up in the open window, where
she can both spy on the neighbor's doggie and get a little bird watching in
while 'willing' me to move onwards, towards the kitchen (& her dish)

- or -

Jumping the counter just to fish out some new use for
items I sometimes stow away there.
Such as the morning she amuzed herself (and amazed me) by
twirling a cotton swap daintily on her claws like it was some
sort of little kitty batton, then clamping it firmly, like a cigarette
between sabre teeth, before bounding away, once more, towards the kitchen (&
her dish)....

This little entertainment also answered 2 important questions, for me, that I'd been turning over & over in my mind for quite some time:
  1. 'Why are cotton swabs suddenly showing up in all the rooms of the house???' ...and...
  2. 'Why are they all pointing towards the kitchen?' =)

I, frankly, didn't like the fact that I'd purely forgotten about her.
I liked it even less, that she wouldn't come when I called...
I hated it, that I couldn't see her anywhere, either.
(Despite the fact that she can be near invisable, in any given hidy spot, wrapped up in her tortis shell cloak, she always comes, running to me, [carefully avoiding stickers] whenever she's been out for a length of time.)

It is times, just like these, that I get to wishin' that I'd picked a different name for kitty.
Yelling, "Hey, Seuss!?", well, sounds funny....
so does, "Hey! Dr. Seuss!?"
"Dr. Seuss!?"
"Oh, Dr. Clawdia Seu-ouss, come out, come out, wherever you are!" is not a wit better than any of the others.
Still... all things considered, it is much, much better than the time your Ant Debbie named her cat, "Snort".

**Sighs** I was worried about Dr. Seuss.
No matter which direction I called, it was no use.
There was no Seuss.
I got so worried I began looking further and further away from home for her.
I even got in the car and drove down the highway to the river and back - looking for her only, I didn't bother with the yelling of "Hey, Seuss!" out of the car at the same time I was driving and looking.
That would have been too ridiculous.
Who knows?
Who can say?
Perhaps there's a deer or a racoon down by the river that answers to the name of Jesus - it does sound very similar to "Hey, Seuss!" with the proper accent, doncha know?
Remember this was a Sunday... and I was beginning to think that kitty was lost.
And so I thought to pray, for her furry welfare.
I looked again, when I got back home.
It was no use.
There was no Seuss.
So, I went to church and I said another prayer, for people everywhere that have lost warm & fuzzy companions that help to make their mornings bright and sometimes silly & for Dr. Seuss, of course, to be ok & to find a safe way, to come home again.
I hurried home after church, but it was no use.
(Note: I would stop here & see if the kids would finish the next sentence for me... even if they don't it feels like a good place to pause...)
There was no Seuss.

It was a VERY warm, summer, Sunday afternoon and I soon fell asleep.
Deeply napping, dreaming dreams, and snoring, and snorting, loudly - all of which I'm certain of, and none of which, do I remember, 'cept for the nappy part....
and then...
and then....
I remembered: "SEE-USS!"
So I went calling...
It was no use.....
(slight pause, for effect...)
There was no Seuss.
"Phooey." I thought, "I need to go away. I hope she is okay!? I need her to be found...."
And then, I went to town.

Note: This is normally where I would just stop telling a story to the children.
If they are no longer paying attention, I am off the story telling hook and we all move on to with our lives.
If they are paying attention they will say, "And then what happened Ant _(insert my given name ending in a pronounced 'e' here)_ E?" ...and I will finish the story...

Tell me what you think about it so far?
If you read it down to here, YOU are NOT off the storytelling hook! lol....

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

SOooo Busted!

Let's file this under the many are called, but few are chosen file....
better yet how about the old "What was he thinking???" bin....

(click on the "Special Police" bage to get a gist of the story)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Roast Beef! Really?


I was just thinking TODAY,

about popping a "Thank you" into the post for those dear folks that invited me to Supper with them a couple weeks ago...

Then I spotted this on msnbc...

I watched 'Capote' over the weekend - a film highlighting both the processes of Truman Capote and the era in which he conceived his most famous literary work: In Cold Blood.
I guess it's still on my mind... along with the questions he (& we) repeatedly ask over such chilling events... you know? The simplest question that sometimes has the most evasive and disturbing answer, should you ever get an answer at all... "Why?"

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Not much time for posting...
I'm up to my elbows in buttercream - literally! =)
Friends are getting married today & I'm doing up their wedding cakes!
A couple of Harley Davidson enthusiasts and she's a Native American, I love these 2!
So in love.
She's had me make a birthday cake for him for the last couple of years running, I think I've got him 'hooked' on my style of cake. ;-)
Warm colors, soft peach, soft yellow, I've made the base layers of the 3 tier cake a light-light peachy- more like an Ivory color. The lower border will have yellow roses with eagles feathers hanging down from them... I'll do maybe 7 of those, to echo the date.
She wants words that have meaning for their relationship piped in and around the top and sides of the layers.
Words like: family, love & joy, trust, hope, honor, respect, romance, laughter... you get the idea. I got really excited about it when she said that's what she'd wanted - because I've been doing just this sort of thing on other cake projects lately & the words she was coming up with reflect that favored scripture in Galatians 5:22-23... the one that lists the fruits of the spirit - surely they have this blessing in their lives - and that's a wonderful thing.
The groom's cake is German chocolate with a flaming Harley Davidson motif piped on top to resemble silver studs on black leather.
I better get crackin'
May good fortune and love, sweet love, find you this weekend -
God bless...

Sunday, July 01, 2007


The Daily Gazette is seeking a few good bloggers from our area of Nebraska:

What's your passion?

Well, now... that was the question they dropped into the classified ad section of the McCook Daily Gazette and, now, hereby decreed, to be the topic of conversation for this here blog.

What's your passion?

I've got a list of things I feel passionately about:

  • The Arts and entertainment.
  • People, in general, and good men, more specifically. (um-hum!)
  • The written word, quotable quotes and doing things my way - especially when I am right!
  • Really good food, made even better, for me, if it comes from some cheap, fast and easy recipe.
  • Truly funny stories and inspirational tales.
  • Science and the natural world.
  • Family ties.
  • The furthering development of my own spirituality...
  • Education in America... and ...
  • Good Design in everything!
  • I feel passionate about this country and that building block of pure Ameri-cana gold we all refer to as Hometown, U.S.A. ...


What about you? What's your top 10 list of things that you feel passionately about?

(C'mon! Tell me, even if it is all about 'Fuzzy Posters' for you.... ;-)

Disclaimer: My real 'number one' thing I feel passionate about is, well, passion. I didn't wanna come off as all slutty or redundant... or redundantly slutty... you know? You know, you know...

In other, totally unrelated news, I mowed down a small stand of marijauna plants today. There they were, growing freely and strong out by the foundations of an old shed that was recently raised to the ground and hauled off. I scared up a baby bunny who, thankfully, hightailed it outta there before those mower blades got too, too close. ...

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.