Monday, September 05, 2005

Testimony revisited

Testimony revisited.
This is something I'll be doing on a regular basis!
The Holy Spirit speaks to us in different ways: thoughts, feelings, impressions, sometimes we become aware of a pattern that, in turn, increases our understanding, or points us in the direction He would have us to go.
Week before last, as I was preparing my talk for the Sunday meeting, I poured over scriptures, and church materials from the general authorities. One point brought up, repeatedly, was that, a testimony is something that you have today but you may not have it always. Testimony can be elusive & fragile; you have to recapture it every morning of your life. You hold on by study, by faith, by prayer. A testimony can either increase or diminish, depending on you. When I looked up Testimony in my Bible Dictionary, it referred me back to 'Covenant', which makes sense, as this same word is sometimes rendered 'testament'. And you cannot have a testimony of truth, sacred, and holy, without communion with the spirit backing that up! Bearing one's testimony can help strengthen and lift another - as not all have testimony, still, it can be given to those without, to believe upon the testimony of others' words. I've come to believe 'testimony' to be an important aspect of Christ's teachings, after all, it is what HE went about doing, isn't it?! How often did Christ bare testimony? Wasn't this the very thing that supported him in the wilderness, when he was being tested?
I decided that this would be an expendable part of my talk.
You know, the part where testimonies can be as elusive as moonbeams and as fragile as an orchid.
Shouldn't everyone understand by now that, if you don't use it, (or pursue it) you'll lose it?
Then, preparing to leave my room, I tripped.
I fell.
I fell down, being fat and sassy, it was an easy fall!
That doesn't happen every day and that got my attention!
Actually, slow-motion, flung me, to the floor of my room, & I, I, I felt stunned, and a 'tick' disoriented! OH, to be sure, I'm OK. Easiest fall I've ever taken! (A hanger! I got hung up by a hanger!) I landed on some folded clothes & some pillows, I'd recently laundered, and which needed to be put away. In short, I fell directly over, unfinished business! YES! I'm certain there's a metaphor in there somewhere. :)
I picked myself up, smoothed out the dress and hair and went on to church.
While the 1st counselor was wrapping up his opening remarks I noticed something unusual, he tripped, and stumbled slightly, leaving the lectern.
Then comes one of my Sunday school students; a lovely girl by the name of Ashley. Ashley was sporting a new pink (her favorite color) arm cast, new, since the previous meeting. Ashley had gone against the grain of her Grandfather's better judgment, and wishes, and had been "looping" her horse. "Grandpa said, 'I knew you were in trouble when I could see all that daylight between you and the horse.'" Ashley fell, and, in describing the X-ray experience, she had this to say, "Ouchie-Ow!"
Next, Helen, self-disciplined in historical studies, spoke of an early member of the church who, although privileged with a sure testimony, and considered to be a great witness of the gospel, had fallen, lost his testimony and endured many, many years bitterness and hardship. She took great pains to mention that this person had never, and did never, (to their dying day), recant their witness of truth, NO! But- still they had fallen, away from their personal adherence to the gospel, in stark disagreement with the brethren, a sad, lonely life, with great struggles, steeped in many regrets, had been their end condition.
By the time I rose to speak, I'd recognized the pattern; I no longer felt, that mentioning testimony as something which needs to be nurtured on a regular basis, was an expendable portion of my talk. No-nono-no-no. It was to be a primary theme!
Yesterday's fast and testimony meeting at the church was extremely moving. I was running ahead of time for once, and have decided that's the best - I must resolve to do better in getting myself around a little faster on Sunday mornings. (Easier to spot treacherous hangers when I'm not in such a flurry of hurry!) The meeting started with one of my favorite hymns, Lord, I Would Follow Thee. The first verse goes as follows:
Savior, may I learn to love thee,
Walk the path that thou hast shown,
Pause to help and lift another,
Finding strength beyond my own.
Savior, may I learn to love thee --
Lord, I would follow thee.
Then came announcements, and church business, presided over by the branch President, who ended his remarks with a report on what the church is doing to aide in the Hurricane relief efforts. He added his testimony: that within the church, and the Christian community abroad, there are 'watchmen on the tower', who sound the voice of warning.
How thankful we can all be for that!
Unfortunately, some heed that voice, and act accordingly, and some do not. How much better off are we individually, and with our families, having every needful thing, and goodwill flowing out into our communities, when we harken unto wise and reasonable council? Doing so helps to keep us from harms way, and when calamity does happen, having had our awareness raised ahead of time, doing all we can do, to prepare ourselves before the storms come, how much lessened is the impact? How much easier do we to suffer the hardship, and then mount recovery and growth efforts? When we've done all we can to prepare ourselves, our families, and in turn help our neighbors daily, when real need arises, were not left floundering, stunned and disoriented.
Of course, many of the testimonies borne yesterday, were mindful of "Katrina", people expressing concerns for loved ones in harms way. No one feels good about the poor, the sick, the elderly somehow being caught up, unable to heed the warnings to evacuate the area due to lack of means, ability and aide. No one feels that is acceptable in the least! Least of all an individual with a sure testimony. Is that not the essence of the gospel, to look after the poor, and disadvantaged? [See James 1:27] It's heartbreaking to note that in the centuries we've had to advance 'civilization,' the poorest of the poor, still suffer, terribly - even in the richest, of the rich, and most powerful countries in the History of the world - 'free' or otherwise occupied!
Second verse of the opening hymn:
Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can't see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.
My heart and prayers have been drawn out for days for them, and I've prayed, literally, for YEARS now, for the healers - for those brave souls in the medical and emergency responder positions that work the hard hours, making the tough decisions, which hang them, literally, and daily, in the balance of life and death!
Third verse of that opening hymn:
I would be my brother's keeper;
I would learn the healer's art.
To the wounded and the weary
I would show a gentle heart.
I would be my brother's keeper -
Lord, I would follow thee.
I have a testimony that Jesus is the Christ. He LIVES! Trying his commands in my life has done nothing but strengthen me and build my testimony futher. I know I have His Spirit to attend me. I bare testimony that, truly receiving, the gift of the Holy Spirit into your life, to companion, comfort, lead, enlighten, and enable you to see beyond your human limitations, and current boundary lines, is the most precious and sacred gift we can have in our lives.
How do you get that gift?
It is obtained only by adherence to the principles of the gospel, not by following the paths of the world. Purity of thought, and a sincere heart seeking the Savior's guidance daily will lead to a testimony of the truth of Christ's Gospel as sure and permanent as that which Peter possessed ... After seeing the transfiguration of Christ, and hearing the voice of God testify to His divinity (Matthew 17:1-5)
How do you get that gift?
One will never know it by indulging in sin; if we live only to gratify our passions and appetites we cannot expect the sacred, and the holy to manifest in our hearts, and minds - let alone flow outward into our homes, and families. The scriptures warn, "My spirit shall not always strive with man." (Gen. 6:3) His spirit will not dwell in unclean tabernacles. And you cannot have a testimony without the Spirit of God. . .
Still the question - How may I know?
Jesus has answered it, as he has shown the way in every aspect of life. And he gave a simple answer: "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." (John 7:15, 17) There you go, an answer t0 the question - a clear-cut statement. . . "If ye will do the will, ye shall know." And, "to know God, and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent, is eternal life." [see John 17:3]
Fourth and last verse of that opening hymn:
Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother -
Lord, I would follow thee.
God's work and his glory is to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man.
Eternal life is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
Who among us, will serve?
Can we not all be, even in small, daily measures, about our Father's business?
(And if you've not gained a testimony of the Godhead, can you not at the least see truth in the wisdom of the ages?)
Cheerios2U all!


Unknown said...

I must go take a nap now!

Keshi said...

hey Dorko...I came to see if u know where Stud is...I saw some of ur comments in his blog...he's been missing since May '05 I think...d u know where he is and if he's ok?


DBFrank said...

Powerful post Dorko!

Dorko said...

Opie, thanks Huckleberry, rest easy!

Keshi, ask Saby.

Steelcowboy, thanks.

Libby said...

great post, dorko! but one thing caught my eye...what the heck were the clean things doing ON THE FLOOR?? we've told tiffany since she wAs 6 that we better NEVER see that she took her clean clothes upstairs and put them on the floor after i had wasshed, dried & folded them! i know, i'm mean!!

dangermama said...

powerful stuff there... and exactly what I needed to hear today... thank you

MomThatsNuts said...

Very eloquently put as usual!!
Thats why you are where YOU are...and why YOUR in charge of praying for the rest of us....

love ya


Burfica said...

was that hymn not perfect for what was being said??? wow.

Alekx said...

The post was great
But you will so appreciate this...
What is it with you and I falling down and laundry.
I'm remembering an apartment, stairs and a basketful o' laundry and my wonderful roommate laughing so hard she couldn't stand up.

Dorko said...

Libby - Doh! Busted. U R not mean! You can now tell Tif stories about grown women living to "Rue the day" they didn't put their laundry away!

Stacey - That Hymn has touched me many times... I sometimes feel the spirit within it so strong - I can't sing it I can only mouth the words (to the great relief of the people in front of me! Hehehe!).

Alekx - I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF THAT IN YEARS! LOL! LOL! LOL! Ah. I just had the most vivid flashback to the Roomie years, I so love you!

Anonymous said...

The hardest thig about our testimony is that we feel it at times does not have as much significance as it realy does. We are so connected through our testimony to so many people. God connects us, and that is very strong.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.