Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Aunt Thelma

Aunt Thelma, 97, passed away Friday (9/23).
I just heard about it this morning through a phone call from Aunt Dona.
I'll be meeting Aunt Dona and other family members at the Methodist Church for the service, in the morning and then, school for me.
I didn't know Aunt Thelma too well, she'd only been a member of the family for a dozen or so years.
I met her for the first time, 2 years ago at Uncle Jim's 90th birthday party. She was so nice, and OH! those eyes! You could happily, spend the day there, held captive by those eyes of hers. There was kindness and pleasantness flowing off of her in waves. That's what you felt in her presence. That was the vibe I got from her anyways.
Small wonder that my handsome Uncle Jim fell in love with her. These 2 really caused a stir at the Senior Center!
Most folks thought Jim had something going with Freda, as they lunched together often. Both Jim and Freda had lived and worked in this small community all their lives. By the time Jim got a gleam in his eye for Thelma, he had already logged a relationship history spanning 80 years together with Freda... as brother and sister! Hehehee.
Freda couldn't understand, at first, why folks were asking how she felt about "Jim & Thelma", but more specifically, about "Thelma" - then she figured out that people weren't aware that Jim was her younger brother. She had a great time telling everyone how "fine" she was with this Thelma woman.
Well, when word did get out that Freda was actually Jim's sister, people started asking her for the juicy details of the romance. Uncle Jim, being just as discreet as he is dashing, didn't give Freda, whose none too chatty herself, much detail to dish out!
We know they got together, him and Thelma, because they both like to dance...
and we know the 5 year age difference didn't matter to them either; it wasn't long before they gave the family something to talk about right along with the seniors at the center.
Jim and Thelma took a little road trip in the Spring of 1992 and married in Las Vegas, NV on April 15th.
We couldn't have been happier for either one of them!
What a deal!
Both, blessed twice, with great loves, and matrimony.
Thelma's first husband preceeded her in death in 1988, they'd been married 60 years.
Then she and Uncle Jim, dance...
(I think the running off for a Vegas wedding at the ages of 80 & 85, was near perfect, don't you?)
How long do you think they thought it would last?
I'm thinking they just didn't think about it, they just went for it, and they had another 13 years - together.
I love Jim and Thelma's story.
It'll be an honor to bid her adieu, and wish her sweet, sweet spirit well for now, come mornin' time.


DBFrank said...

Sorry for your loss dear lady. They look like they were a great couple!

Mona said...

Oh Dorko, what a sweet and sad story all combined. She looks like a marvelous woman. And with two great romances in her life. WOW. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss, and I imagine there will be some interesting connections with family. Best wishes to you and thank you OH so much for posting an update on my behalf on my blogs. I really, really appreciate it tremendously.

Unknown said...

Like Mona said..it's such a sweet and sad story all combined.

I think a book or movie about this would be a good idea!

May your Spirite RIP Aunt Thelma!


Burfica said...

What an amazingly beautiful story. She will be missed, but everyone will see her again.

How very amazing to find true love twice in a lifetime.

Bar L. said...

Aunt Thelma sounds like a real gem, I am sure she will be missed by many!

Kerry M. Conway said...


darling- i am so sorry to hear about your recent loss. *hugs* you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Libby said...

dorko...she sounds like she was an amazing lady, although she would've never thought she was!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Alekx said...

How can that be a sad story?
It's the greatest love story I've heard since reading the new testament.

That is sooo great they had that kind of love.
The only thing I wanna know did they get married by Elvis in Vegas?????

kitten said...

Condolences, Dorko.

Running off to Vegas to get married at 85 sounds like a great idea....to find love again, even better.

Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

my condolences.
nice blog

emmeek said...

Hey Dorko, sorry about your loss. She seem like a great lady. God bless her soul and may she rest in peace.

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1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.