Monday, August 22, 2005

Revelation & Testimony

Personal revelation and Testimony go hand in hand, don't they?
I smiled.
I had just been asked to give a talk in next week's sacrament meeting.
(So, there it is, I thought, the 'rest bit' is officially over. I'd felt like I was 'flying under the radar,' so to speak, for the past 3 years; since moving to this branch of the church, I'd not been asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting! I knew that someday I would be - I just didn't know when and then, as seasons came and went, I became curious over not being asked and felt a little comfort within that curiosity, as if somehow, my Heavenly Father was giving me a rest in this thing, while I struggled to catch my household up from the move, settle in and deal with other trials He had for me to learn and grow from. Love the way His Holy Spirit gently leads me along! As I live and breath, though, I knew this was coming, and coming soon! I'm sitting here, now, looking at the calendar page for August. In the very first week (Saturday the 6th) I'd written, 'Fast and Testimony. Write my testimony. Write a talk...' followed by my personal musings on possible subject matter, 'Senior moments, personal blindspots - getting beyond those to real improvement', and 'be ye not easily offended...' amazing to look at that square on the calendar, now, and think back to my exchange in church yesterday.)
So I asked back, "Do you have a topic?"
I looked into the eyes of this kind, priesthood leader and thought to clarify, if I could. "Testimony," I repeated, "How to give one? How to ... get one? .... strengthen one? ...bear one? ...receive one? What it does for you? What someone else's testimony can do for you? ... "
I trailed off, because looking into those eyes and peppering the meat between us with questions, I'd perceived the response.... it was just....
I know how this goes. I pray like everything depends on God. Then I work like everything depends on me - listening intently and feeling after His Holy Spirit to guide me along within this task and within my doings as I apply myself to it.
Having faith that the Holy Spirit will guide me along, if I just let it, is an easy thing for me to do, after all, it happens all the time. I have a testimony!
Now, I just need to draw ever closer unto Him (Praying, reading the scriptures relevant to the topic and principle, and most importantly hearkening to the tender thoughts, feelings, impressions and visions which will form and translate into the sustenance of this 'talk'. I've learned it is best to be the messenger only - and if I feel like I, myself, have learned something sweet and wonderfully nurturing - by the close of the time allotted to me, I know then that the Lord was with me, all along the way!)
I'll be nervous, because sometimes I feel the spirit so strongly that it squirts out my eyes. I just hate it (embarrassed) when I feel I have something important to say and tears flow along with the words! I guess I should check myself on that though because I wasn't given over to many tears before I gained the depth of testimony that I have now. It's a physical manifestation of a spiritual change within my heart of hearts. So on second thought, I realize I should learn to love those tears, when they come... or at least learn how to deal with them. (Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out - LOL! tissue!)
The topic in yesterday's sacrament meeting was REVELATION, next to the Holy Ghost, that would be my favorite spiritual gift. I cannot think of a better lead into a discussion on TESTIMONY than that!
What about you all? Anyone have a personal revelation or a testimony they'd like to share? Keep in mind what they say, 'a multitude of sins are forgiven, every time you bear humble testimony'
Doh! maybe that's why I was asked ... well, off to class for me!
Happy Monday - D.


Lillee said...

Read John 5:1-15 and remember that if you don't proclaim your testimony, you lose it.
As for stage fright...just close your eyes and pretend it's Blogger!

Unknown said...

I'm sure you'll do just fine Shugger...really..I've never seen you lack for something to say!

I give Testimony every do you.

Loving you Shugger

Paul said...

I think the tricky thing with personal revelation is the distinction between experiences and the interpretations we put on them.

What makes an experience a spiritual one rather than a powerful psychological and emotional one? Both are important. But different people can easily attach different meanings to experiences which, when examined closely, appear quite similar. Some people are much quicker than others to place pre-fabricated interpretations on their experiences, so to speak.

So it's possible to recognize that someone had an experience that was important in their lives without sharing their interpretation of it.

Sue hardy-Dawson said...

I think you could use what you have written here, after all it describes your relationship with God, your struggle and inner turmoil, I think these things are good for others to hear. After all we all feel them sometimes closer or further away from our selves, we all struggle with what we must do or feel God wants us to do. What better more honest Testimony could there possibly be?

Libby said...

oh dorko, despite what you may think, you should be honored at this chance! you have A LOT to share, just pretend it's talking to all of us!
Best of luck!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

DLAK said...

Go get em kiddo...

Burfica said...

you never know when your testimony may touch that one single person, that thought they were all alone. Been there, done that. I know god had lead me to tell some of my deep dark secrets and how I found him and was saved. I've had a couple phone calls over the years of people who just wanted someone to know how they felt, what they were experiencing, and when I talked they realized I did. I hope I have helped them in some small way. I pray they are as okay as I am.

If it's from your heart, it's exactly what you are supposed to be saying. You're gonna do great.

DBFrank said...

"I pray like everything depends on God. Then I work like everything depends on me "
Very wise, Dorko. Very.
God bless, you will do FINE. :)

Jim said...

u guys testimonize too much
we gota get off of our fat asses

and change the World
by speaking out about the rongs in our society

and dont tell me the US of A does no rong

Jim said...

take OPIE for instance
i cud rite a book
on the rongs of OPIE

Unknown said... many time do you have to be told to sit down and shut-up!

Dorko said...

Thanks to everyone of you for your comments.
I find value in them all.
You already know what my testimony is.
It's in the header of this blog.
I was remembering part of my baptismal covenant when I put it there... 'to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that I may be in,...'
I'm looking forward to my assignment! :) Cheerios2U all!

Alekx said...

You have so many things to share and relate to others. You will do fine. We've been though good times and bad. Crazy ones too. And those things you have to share will touch many lives. Just let the words flow cuz no matter how much you plan, the Holy Spirit is going to make you say what it wants you to say anyway. :-)

Love ya doll

Azathoth100 said...

Good luck Dorko. Hope it goes great.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.