Saturday, August 27, 2005

5 misses from childhood

I almost forgot!
Burfica "tagged" me awhile ago about the 5 things I miss most from my childhood.
Here they are and I'm stealing the first one from the list 'Mom that's nuts' did.

no. 1. - NOT having to pay all of the bills, much less be the only one responsible to be sure that they DO, all get paid!

no. 2. - Grandparents.

no. 3. - The drive in movie theater is gone now. It was torn down a few years after I moved to AZ. I enjoyed it from the tiny tot years ( Mom & Dad making sure we kids were all dressed in our PJs before we went there!) all the way up through young adulthood. (I saw "Porkies" there as a newly released!) ...and Saturday matinees (with either my siblings or my friends) at the walk-in Fox theater on main street. That building is still there, but no more movies - Movies just aren't the social event they used to be. I remember when "Tora! Tora! Tora!" 1st came out - seemed like the entire town went to see it and the lobby was jam-packed with people discussing it during the intermission and after the show was through even. .. . 'course that's small town stuff, too. You actually might know 50% or more of the people in attendance to the show that night!

no. 4. - My childhood friends and the games we used to play together. Sometimes it was a simple card or board game, sometimes it was make-believe with blankets, bed sheets, clothes pins & chairs out underneth our mother's clotheslines, sometimes it was hide-and-seek involving an entire square block and all the kids in the neighborhood... etc...etc...etc...

no. 5. - The time, inclination, and agility (as a child, I could, and did, trim my toenails with my teeth, people! - lol!) to examine my world from the micro to the macro and all points inbetween - as, 'all in a days work' and not the 'exception to the norm'. [I.E.: Rolling down grassy embankments and spinning till dizzy - feeling those effects, just to fall down laughing with friends, staying down and looking for shapes like big ships in the clouds, or flipping over and looking at the amazing world of activity going on in grass and roots of the lawn you were in. Finding stuff like walking stick bugs, fuzzy catepillars and salamanders without even having to try! Catching fireflies and butterflies. Thinking that a boquet of dandilions was really cool...etc...etc...etc...]

Hum. Think I'll work on trying to get some of my childhood 'back'!
Don't worry! I won't be spitting toe-nails anytime soon.


Azathoth100 said...

Nice list. I agree wholeheartedly with the first one.

Burfica said...

Ahhh man I miss most of those too. Very nice

MomThatsNuts said...

Ahhhh nice!! Its ok if you steal the first one, I think EVERYONE misses


taffy_stuck said...

I laughed while I read through your list. ;-) I remember when I was a kid I used to bite my toenails with my mouth too! (during the time I recall I just feel gross..haha) Perhaps we should set up a community for this.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.