Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I found my MOOD ring!

No kidding! I really did. It's in the bathroom right now. It's turning colors as we speak, 'cause I'm saving energy and NOT air conditioning 'The little freak's room' ! I apologize - that's what I used to call it in my youth, you know, about the same time in space, when I was sporting that ring! I found this on the net today:

Your Mood Ring is Purple

Clear mind
Purpose is known

Go ahead, people give 'er a whirl and let me know what mood we caught YOU in...!?


Burfica said...

Mine is dark green, friendly, outgoing and cheerful.

Unknown said...

Mine is "Purple"
Clear mind
Purpose is known

Hey...that's the same as yours!

Why Shugger...we're in the same mood...


Mia said...

lmao = ok I was blue...then went back to check it out....now Im Amethyst: Stimulating ideas, Daring, Full of desires.


Libby said...

ok, dorko...
mine's blue-green...whoa! now it's purple! what's up with that?? kevin's not even home, how could i be sensual??
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Lillee said...

Mine is Dark Red..and I did it twice with the same results!
Very Happy, Love, Passion.

Alekx said...

I was light purple, clever, witty and sharp.
It's a damn lie I don't feel any of those things right now. I shoulda been black or something

hehehe little freaks room, I seem to remember whips and handcuffs and the likes we used to have hung up in there.
Great conversation pieces during those after hours parties that always ended up at our place eh.
ah the memories.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.