Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rant: "Hello, beanie-weenies!"

A couple hundred dollars. More than I have in my budget, for such, right now - so I'll be nipping and tucking everywhere until I can find breathing room in my coin purse again. ("Hello, beanie-weenies!") *SUX*
This is looking like a bit of a rant so be fore warned! Here are some things that 'ticked' me just a bit yesterday:

The fixit guys didn't call me with status on my car and what it would take to get breaks until around 4pm. Their shop closes at 5. Why did I have to get it in there at 9 a.m.? Hummmm....

(As part of a consequence to that, I believe, I didn't pick up my car last night - I won't get it until sometime today...)

The trunk of this car (an older model Cadillac) has one of those automatic closers. I've always thought it was a big pain in the pa-toot! Just another unnecessary item to fool with. I mean c'mon folks! just shut the dang lid on the trunk! Why do I need to retrain myself to 'lightly close the lid', or remember to consistently throw my body inbetween that trunk lid and any number of unsuspecting good Samaritans like carry out boys & girls and my nephews & nieces to buy enough time to instruct the 'uneducated' on proper, gentle operation of Cadillac trunk lids - Why? - All so a flippin' gizmo can take over for me, and shut it down the rest of the way??? How LAME is that anyways??? Sometimes fancy-smancy IS lame! And why does Cadillac think that's such a great feature??? <-( I found out the answer to that question yesterday!) The stupid thing went tits up on me a few months ago (sorry, I am ranting - but I'm pissed - and I warned you!) and I've been making due. I've been backing it into the carport as pretection against the rains we've had - but this doesn't do squat for me, or anything I have in that trunk, if I happen to be at a store when a storm rolls in or end up driving through one on a trip somewhere. Rain water, like all water, (and most people I know, too, come to think of it.) follows the path of least resistance and therefore channels right down to that 1/2 to 3/4 inch gap .... the gap 'created' because the ding-a-ling trunk closer is not doing it's job! The default design? Stick up like a sore thumb and channel rainwater & road debris into said trunk until owner operator forks over the buck-a-roos to 'fix it'. Ah! And there we find the answer to the Cadillac question of why 'they' must think this is such a groovy feature! The replacement part is ... dang near $400.00. Ta-Dah!!!! Just to ensure the (blankety-blank) trunk closes proper!!!! Grrrrr....... give me a ballpeen hammer, please. Oh and mind you, that's just the cost of getting the part... Installation -that ever popular labor cost- is gonna be extra... then there's death, of course, but not before taxation has occurred! To be sure.
Well- they called around and found one at a salvage yard for $70.00. Still outrageous in my opinion - but what are you gonna do? I'm thinking trade-off. That's what I'm thinking.

Oh! And another thing that chapped my hiney yesterday. DAD. He never calls ahead when he's gonna visit. I let the dog out yesterday evening and find his old silver metal suitcase. The one he used decades ago when he was in the navy. There was a note, in his wife's hand, which said he was giving the suitcase to me because I had said, once upon a time ago, that I liked it and would like to have it, and said note: that they didn't find me at home. (I was home all dang day! The car was gone in the shop! Had he CALLED, he would have known that!!! Course it might have helped for them to have knocked or tried the doorbell a few times, too. Smirk... heavy on the irk, please!) and the note went on to say they were leaving in the morning for cooler weather. (Translation: back to the pacific northwest) So. With no wheels and no way to really pinpoint him & his rig - a 5th wheel RV, other than calling every known relative in the area with the burning question, "Have you seen my Dad?" and this is approaching the taboo hours of 9 p.m. or later... all too pathetic, sorry. I'll miss seeing them altogether this time. Hrumph.
Just fine.
.37 cents and I can drop the old man a note of my own, which'll probably beat him to his finish line...
I wonder if they've tallied the final bill on my car yet.... cringing!


Unknown said...

Well..it's plain to see..that on your breakfast Cheerios you had Cadillac pee.....sorry Shuger...hoping your day get better...hey maybe you need to come back to North Cackalackie..it's only 101 degrees in the shade..with 65% humidity...however..this ac is thumping good.

mmmuuuaaaaahhhhh...put that where you want it!

Missing you..
Your Huckleberry

Azathoth100 said...

Sorry to hear about things beeing poopie Dorko. Hope theres some sunshine in your future. Maybe you jusy need some quality time alone with Opie?

Burfica said...

Chocolate cake. chocolate cake makes everything better. hehehehe I've had those days, heck I've had that kind of summer. lmaoooooo

Libby said...

when did people start thinking trunks NEEDED a lid closer??

Unknown said...

I like asathoth's answer!


Lillee said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day.

DBFrank said...

Fancy is fine, till it needs fixed; be it cars or peoples. ;)

Alekx said...

And of course there is no flipping way they can just put a regular slam the hell out of it closer on it. NOOOOOO it has to be the fancy dancy one.
It's kinda like microsoft programs telling me what I want it to do instead of me telling it what I want.
Damnit anyway

MomThatsNuts said...

Praying to mechanic gods for you!!! Maybe they could at least give you a lube job before they rape you?? dammit girl...BIG HUG...


Unknown said...

I need a Shurger fix!!!

Jim said...

heyyy guys !
is OPIE irish ?

Jim said...

not dat it matters

as long he is outta my sight

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.