Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blood and Laughter

Just home from a near perfect 4th of July evening.
Accepted the invitation to a relative's home, ~ cousins ~ a couple I'm quite fond of but haven't seen, for like, 30 years or so. [I know! Bad Dorko, bad!] There ended up being 10 of us all together; ages 6 to 70
We had the BEST time!!!
Lots of laughter and that good spirit that flows freely when all are relaxed and just enjoying each other and the evening together... Good family, good food, excellent Fire works.
Just enough of a breeze to keep the biting flies and mosquitoes completely away ~ yet not enough to screw with the heavy artillery. [or keep the fireflies from dancing round about!]
The fun had been "rained" out last year. My 'Blood' ~ bless their hearts ~ just stashed the charges in a garbage can in the garage and dugout all of that and a whole lot more out for tonight's events.
Ended up with the better part of a pick-up bed & tailgate section chalked full of fireworks!
+ Their place is a short way from the County Fairgrounds & the big show put on by the Optimist Club this year, we were perfect viewing distance for all that!
Mother nature lit up the sky (again this year), but it was only a few scant drops that fell on us. ...and...
That only served to further cool the evening and set a dramatic stage for shooting stars, and those celebratory bombs-a-bursting in air.
I'm feeling SO very happy, warm and fuzzy, and TIRED right now.
And blessed.
Lord knows, how very, very blessed I'm feeling by all these marvelous gifts, I was able to note and receive this whole day long!
I'm glad I remembered the throw-away camera in my car, and insisted they all line up at the end of the drive for the photo op! This prompted one of my younger cousins to get her digital and we were able to capture some fine moments with both. I was especially pleased and impressed that we took the time & the photos when she told of how they'd never had a photo taken of them all together like that.
She went on to say that she'd made plans, some time back, and all of that had fallen by the wayside when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. He had to have a section of his tongue removed, a portion of it that was deep within his throat. (I imagined what a trying time that must have been for them.)
Now here we all were!
Happy! Healthy! Having a good time, together! The 2 photos I snapped on the digital seemed to capture every inch of that ~ each one of them looking so relaxed. I could feel their love for each other, and for me, and it made me love them even more.
.... there's so much more ~ but I gotta go... [Winkin, Blinkin and Nod are calling my name...]
What blessings couldja, didja count this day?
Cheerios2U all!
~ Dorko


DBFrank said...

We ARE all blessed, eh? :) Thanks for the vivid image of the wonderful time you had.

Anonymous said...

I too was with family, and it was most certainly a blessing!

Burfica said...

lets see, my blessing, was to spend another of mom's birthdays with her still breathing, and lucid. It was nice.

I was missing hubby though. :(

Mona said...

Most of my blessings are the lovely people in my life. And being alive and healthy.

Thank you for a great post. So good to hear you felt that wonderful around family.

Libby said...

that was a great memory for you, and a great post for us to see!glad you were able to have that time with your family, and pictures to keep!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Unknown said...

I'm happy for you..being able to spend time with your family like that. "It's a good thing"..as Martha would say...as you know I was at Harkers Island..with family..missing my "Sweet Sweet Baby"..who will be down there with me soon...very soon!

Your Huckleberry~

Julie said...

That is what memories are really all about!!

poopie said...

I got to sleep in! That's a major blessing. I'm gonna do a repeat performance tomorrow.

Azathoth100 said...

It's always good to see loved ones, especially when it been too long since the last time. Glad you had a blast Dorko.

Jim said...

Dorkyyyyyy !

my eyes are hurting
will u please move dat OPIE out of my sight !
, ,

uno Dorky

Before Jesus:'eye for an eye'
Jesus:'turn the left cheek'

Moses Law: 'stone the adulteress'
Jesus: 'if u have no sin, go ahead'

Moses Law again: Dont eat Pork
Jesus: it dont matter wat u put in yr mouth,
its wat comes out
is important

Dont u tink dat the Old Testament shud be declared 'OBSOLETE' ?

Jim said...

some more contradictions


Unknown said...

Someone needs to tell Saby..the "Old Testament" was written for the Jews!

I wonder if Saby ever thinks why there is an "Old Testament" and a "New Testament"...???...and just like the love of the LORD..Opie Outlaw will never go away..Saby!


Dorko said...

Steel, Mike, Oddybobo: :) :) :)

Burfica: The pain of separation from one we love IS trying ~ glad you are still building blessings with your Mom!

Amen Mona! (I was born into an amazingly good bloodline of people)

Lillee, Julie, Azathoth, & Gama: :) :) :) :) ~ Fireworks ~ the best use, EVER, for gun pwowder!

Always Adventuring ~ Wow. OK! Sounds p'rty interesting!

Opie and Saby: C'mon! You know you love tormenting each other...

Saby I think I need to keep the Old Testament around. I'm still finding good stuff there that helps my soul learn & grow. Including the description of how a soul learns and grows. Remember when Isaiah was talking about who shall [the Lord] teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? ... Milk before Meat, Saby... precept upon precept; line upon line...
Besides, I like going back to Genisus, Book one, Chapter one, verses one through five. There's a lot to ponder right there, not all of which I'll comment about but I will say I dig the reminder that it is GOD that divides the light from the darkness... Please, Saby, try to have a good "Day" today.

And as for OPIE... I hear you.
I'm on my way to pay him a personal visit RIGHT NOW! I can't wait to lay my hands on him ~ we'll see if that does him any good! LOL! Oh, baby! :-*

Unknown said...

Dorko...I awaite your arrival here..impatiently..can hardly wait to get a grip on the situation!

Your Huckleberry
Opie Outlaw

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1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.