Thursday, June 16, 2005

Mysterious dream

Yesterday I prayed to the god of plagiarism ~ apologizing, and then asking for a few mysteries to be revealed. . . now my sub-conscious is playing with me! [lol~big smile]

Last night I was star-gazing with [One of you], online. We were looking at the
Hubble thumb-nails together. You kept pointing out "faces" in the nebulas and novas.
I'd heard some where that the human brain is hard-wired to "see" faces in the natural world and that it effects our modern design sensibilities... Think of a grounded electrical plug or outlet. I mentioned this to you...

Then I got to thinking about those experiences for me.
I saw faces all over the South-west, when I lived there, [rock-gargoyles, looking over canyon walls kinda creeped me out! Hehehee!]... I've deliberately drawn faces into the rock, tree and cloud scenes of my more fanciful art works... and I have greatly enjoyed the works of other artists who've toyed with this notion as well. I remember studying the work of a 'local [Nebraska] artist' (A
Photographer) while in the Lincoln Airport. I lined myself up with a photo of a tree, more specifically a tree trunk's bark. I was admiring the rhythm, flow, and rough textures of the tree, as captured by the artistic eye of the photographer, when it became [SURPRISE!] clear to me that I was actually looking at a perfectly camouflaged owl roosting in that tree! Cool Beans! Still makes me smile to this day, remembering how I felt, at that moment of discovery!

And so this mystery dream 'almost' makes sense to me ... it was the last one before waking up this morning. I was looking at an old, ancestral photograph. Sepia toned, glossy, depicting a man and a woman. They were standing outside a low dewelling ~ couldn't tell if it was framed, a sod house, or a dug out. My waking mind doesn't recognize their images as relatives. However, in the dream they were 'grand-parents' from down the pedigree line. I was archiving this photo into a book and as I placed it in the book, the light shifted and another image became clear in the photo. I was intrigued and curious so I picked up the photograph and as I did ~ I shifted it back and forth in the light and the photograph took on a modern hologram quality, with every tilt more images of people came into view within the picture. I got the sense that we were all related and that these individuals and sets of individuals appearing now, were the children and the direct descendants, of the 2 who's image I originally saw on the surface of the film. .... trippy, huh?

Wish I could find THAT photograph! LOL!
Cheerios 2U!


Libby said...

Oh, Dorko, that's so neat! thanks for sharing it!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

DBFrank said...

Cool stuff. Thanks.

Azathoth100 said...

Oddly enough, with todays technology you could probably make something like that. bet that would freak a few people out.

MomThatsNuts said...

My family tree only has a couple branches, we dont need no stinking holigrams...I look just like MY mother, who looks just like HER mother......poor mother Eve, who knew that where this Franklin nose started....


Libby said...

look at it this way...if your ancestors would have spent the money to improve the nose earlier well, maybe you might not HAVE a problem! (i know it doesn't work like that, but the other people might not...)

Mona said...

Great post! I love seeing faces in nature, and the owl story is terrific. Also that interesting. The line that caught me the most was "We we all related" because sometimes...I like to think in terms of ALL being related. Thanks again!

Dorko said...

Me too, Mona, me too...

~ Azathoth, humm! Maybe I'll be the one, to figure out how to make pictures like that. Wouldn't that be exciting?!

Burfica said...

creepy, sounds like a good start to a good old scary movie. Of course I watched one last night, so everything is creeping me out. hehehehee

At first I thought maybe you had been tipping into my pain pills again, but then I realized it was a dream. hehehehee

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.