Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I See A Bad Moon Rising

Summer Moon Illusion

The lowest-hanging full moon in 18 years is going to play tricks on you this week.
Sometimes you can't believe your eyes. This week is one of those times.
Step outside any evening at sunset and look around. You'll see a giant moon rising in the east. It looks like Earth's moon, round and cratered; the Man in the Moon is in his usual place. But something's wrong. This full moon is strangely inflated. It's huge!
You've just experienced the Moon Illusion.
Sky watchers have known this for thousands of years: moons hanging low in the sky look unnaturally big. Cameras don't see it, but our eyes do. It's a real illusion.


Mona said...

OOOH....I'm so looking forward to that! Thanks for the astronomical update (almost typed in astrological...sheesh).

Unknown said...

You would think by me being a "moon man"...I would be on top of mind as been on something other..or should I say..someone. Thanks for the heads-up on the close full moon...I've seen it this close before and it is truly something's like you can reach out and touch it!

I'll be your Huckleberry!

Lillee said...

I remember seeing a really large moon when I was a kid out the back door of our house. My dad told me it was a harvest moon. I thought it was the creepiest thing I'd ever seen............

Alekx said...

How come this illusion doesn't work for my boobs. They are hanging pretty low over the horizion but they don't look big and inflated.

DBFrank said...

I will have to check this one out.

Burfica said...

I saw a red moon here for the first time in my life. I've seen HUGE and yellow or orange moons in Az, but never a red moon. We saw a very red moon the other day.

and the reason alekx's boobs don't look bigger is they are hanging way lower than the horizon. hehehehee

Mia said...

LMAO at Alekx. you crazy girl. We had a red/orange moon here the other night it was sooo cool. I wish I had a digital cam. I could go so nuts.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.