Thursday, May 12, 2005

Journal Jar

I have a journal jar.
It is clear, glass, on the biggish side, and has a lid to it.
It also has a bunch of colored paper (strips) inside of it.
Each strip has a question or a directive on it.
The original purpose of this jar was to help me remember stuff so I could write something of personal worth down in my journal.
The instructions said that by the end of the year [this was like 5 years ago, people! LOL!]...
I would have a nice asortment of facts and stories about myself and my family detailed out in the journal.
(Still smiling over the fact that I thought I "might" actually do that!)
I put it together and I put it on a shelf!

Then... I read an article from a Doctor's waiting room magazine...
(finally did something about that troublesome 3rd eye of mine, folks! <-just kidding!)
... [article] was talking about getting kids to say more than "fine" and "ok" to you when you've got 'em at the breakfast or diner table. Somebody out there in magazine land had a jar which sounded a lot like mine...! And they were getting some good out of it to boot! Hummmm....

It was the holiday season and I was expecting a house full of jolly relatives.
I decided to pair-up my voice activated tape recorder with the journal jar and present it to the throng some where after diner and before desserts.
It was a big hit!

My brother-in-law has (& certain members of his family for that matter) been working on a reputation for "inappropriate" repressed memory, coming up during family get togethers. One time he actually remembered burning down an entire laundry mat when he was a kid!
(I've heard the tale a couple of times now that he's finally remembered he did it... it really was a tragic accident and a valuable lesson on why children should not play with incendiary devices, like their Mommie's cigarettes and zippo lighters.) Then there was "The Shoplifting Incident" with his mother story, he came up with this one out of the wild blue yonder as well...this was a time that she tried to swipe something and then tried to put it off on the kids! (I believe alcohol was a factor in there somewhere)... While this is certainly NOT GOOD, hence, a trauma deep enough to repress an entire memory... and we really should not laugh out loud at such tragedy, this poor man happened to marry into a family that cannot "help" but laugh at such off the chart dysfunction!
I was just thinking that if my sister is the crowned "Queen of Panic" perhaps I should dub my dear brother in law the King of R.E.M. (Repressed Early-childhood Memories)!? I must admit, they're a good match...lot of love in their home.

Anyways... I was just thinking that on days when I don't have much time to blog... I can reach into my jar and get a clue, post it and either answer it then and there or make a vow to follow up with in 24 hours.

So here goes.... 1st question out of the journal jar:
There it is.
I'll answer it by 8:10 tomorrow night.
Mean while y'all feel free to comment yourselves ~ or Heheheee....
detail some budding "repressed memory" for the rest of us to squeal over!
Love YOU people.... Cheerios 2 U all!


Kerry M. Conway said...

i love the journal jar idea!

what brings good or bad luck? Hmm...i believe, and think that your attitude is responsible for changing and presenting your personal path of luck.

Unknown said...

"a journal jar. "...such a very good idea...however..there are those of us who would like to forget some of the things we've done....yes...the LORD has blessed me with a bad memory and I thank him for it all the time...

First there something called luck? If depends on all the surrounding one has a "Huckleberry" or not in her life....

I'll be your "Huckleberry" Shuger!


The Bobo Knitter said...

Luck huh? Well, seeing as if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have none at all, I'm going with Fate. One day, hopefully soon, Fate will smile upon me and my "luck" will be to hit the lottery :)

Mia said...

I think thats an awsome idea.

I agree with Oddybobo, it is fate...and one day Im going to win the lottory hopefully tonight...its at 25 million...WOOHOO!

Burfica said...

I only had one repressed childhood memory (that I can remember) hehehee It was watching my dad get burned in an explosion and fire. And Alekx had to bring up the subject at a bbq. I had to sit down, and I cried cuz it all came back like a flood. It was weird.

That luck question. Girl you know my family is proof that god has a sense of humor. Ha Ha we have some of the WEIRDEST luck.

Libby said...

luck...huh...well, i have had good luck with love, so i'm destined to have bad luck with money, right?? so far, it's right!! as for a 'repressed memory', i was at my mom's house once, mom was gonna run the sweeper, & it started smoking...she didn't know what to do, so i grabbed it, & ran outside, and put it in a pile of snow! (unplugged it first, of course!).
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

MomThatsNuts said...

I have journaled since I was about 18. I have filled volumes with my sensless and mindless dribble mostly about how the Evil Troll King makes me NUTS....
I once told my dad...."dad I cant remember one damn thing about being a kid, I dont remember anything before the age of 12. Do you think I was abused or something?" His answer was WONDERFUL...
"No honey, I think you were just bored...."

I asked my mom, turns out he was right I WAS that clears up that R.E.M.


Dorko said...

I like to keep my promises...
So better write up an answer NOW! [making 3 cakes for graduatates this weekend]
What do I think brings good or bad luck? I think that some stuff just happens people. I also think that we can actually "invite" certain powers and influences into our lives. I've been dilligently working on "positives" for a long-long while now & dang if my good attitude doesn't radiate unto those with whom I associate! I dig that... also the fact that it is really difficult for me to have a completely bad day anymore... double dig that! But that's attitude, right? As far as good luck goes ~seems to me it can be a bit of an illusion... luckiest folks I know are all very hard working people. And some of the ones that have the worst luck are well, either a bit lazy, or a bit stupid ~ sorry... to lay it out like that I had "stupid criminal" stories just zipfile through my brain! I know bad stuff happens to good, hard working people ~ but then we're back to attitude again, how people "receive" makes just as much difference [if not more!] than how they give! As far as what I feel "lucky" about? Here's a brief list:-> My testimony ~ Being a woman ~ born in the prairielands of the United States of America ~ living in this modern era ~ the sweet bird song [Larks!] that I woke up to this morning ~ that prayer I shared with a friend last night ~ that prayer I shared with a friend this morning ~ the awareness that my natural senses give to me, like, the glory of sunrise/sunset ~ children laughing ~ clarity of thought ~ the sweet smells of summer's 1st BBQ ~ The taste of snowflakes on my tongue ~ the comforting touch of a loved one's hand ~ yep. "Lucky", enough to recognize the abundance surrounding me, and "Lucky", enough to be very grateful in deed!

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » » »

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.