Sunday, May 29, 2005

Celebrate Your Life!

Happy Birthday ~ Today!

You say it's your Birthday, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-nah!
~ Well, it's my Birthday too, yeah! na-na-na-na-na-na na-nah!

How's this for full circle? -> I'm living in the very house this OLD B-day photo of me, was taken in.
I'm the one in the light blue, front and center to that cake.
YUM! Chocolate! [Proof my parents were very good to me!]
Looks like m'posse ~ cousins, an Aunt, and Momma ~ are gearing up to help with blowing out those candles!
BTW ~ I count like 10-12 candles.
I don't think "they" were going with the traditional 1 candle to mark 1 year of age... no way Mom was hanging on that tight to me at 10 or 12!!! LOL!
Must have been going for the light-show, special effects deal this year??? [Big, big smiles for all of you!]
Hope you can count as many blessings on your special day as what I already have on mine!

Love & Love some more, people.... Cheerios2U!


Azathoth100 said...

Happy B-day to you
Happy B-day to you
Happy B-day dear Dorko
Happy B-day to you...

Hope you had a great one Dorko. Another year, another fire alarm going off due to the candles...

Burfica said...

OMG I am the worst friend in the world. I didn't know it was your birthday!!!!!!!!!! whaaaaaaaaaaaaa You should have told me when your birthday was!!!!!!!!! LOL

Happy birthday my dear dear friend. I luv ya so.

Mia said...

aww tooo cute....Happy late B-day to You...You were born one day late of a great day to be born was my b-day on Sat.

Libby said... look so sweet! and i bet you never ever cried or anything bad, right?
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Unknown said...

I can see that look in your eyes..that look like you see something you want..gotta have......why..I bet you still get that look in your eyes when you see something you want..and gotta have even these days...huh?

Don't forget your birthday present..I'll hang on to it till you can pick it up..ok....

Happy Birthday Shuger
Your Huckleberry

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1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.