Sunday, May 01, 2005

Exercises for Poets

Exercises for Poets

“Portrait of another poem. Look around the class, find somebody you like and, if they're interested, go away with them for a week. Go someplace quiet, without TV, radio, telephone or computer, and interview each other about the most intimate and profound thoughts and feelings about everything that really matters. You will know that it really matters when you feel yourself unable to speak of it. At the end of the week, go to a secluded grove or hotel room and either write a verse portrait of the other person or conceive a new person. Small grants available, due nine months from now. �Andrei Codrescu
Aug. 20, 2002
I've noticed lately that a lot of Bloggers are a talking about Love & Lust...
[is that a "spring-twitter-pated" thing? Or am I just the new kid on the block?]
I've always felt that Lust, (has it's merits) - but rarely lasts and leaves an icky residue. One could get to feeling ravaged at every turn & on levels you never thought you were barganing with, for and on.
On the other hand I know Love. I know it as something 'chosen'... yeah, that's right. There is no 'fall' as 'Love' is something you choose... and done right, it never ends. . . mostly because you never want it to.
April, sweet April - fickel and full of surprise - has drawn closed and taken with her the banner of "National Poetry Month".
If you'd like a look at s'more Poetic thoughts (I got the above quote from NPR) click the post title & it'll help you to turn the page...


Unknown said...

Whisper to me softly..breath words upon my skin....


Anonymous said...

Of secrets kept and secrets sold
Some secrets grow so very old -
My secret love to you I give,
if secret dies true love may live.
Still you wonder who can this be?
Whose secret love is willed to me?
Read carefully these words I write.
Ponder them some moonlit night.
When by my side take up my hand
and ask me of my secret plans.
If you should find a faceless stare
My secret love is not held there
But if you find a soft caress
A kiss that's full of tenderness...
Let secrets go - oh, let them fly
'tis love that never truly dies
Now can you guess - or will you try?
To figure out just who am I?

Burfica said...

I'm not lusting for anything except a long hot bath, 48 hours straight of sleep, and abowl of ice cream.

What a boring life I lead.


Unknown said...

yes..yes..I know who you're the lady at the Chiness restaurant that's always giving me extra dumplings...why..yes..yes I do know you.


Alekx said...

okay it's final we have to get Op a new hobby
dumplings at the resturant
the first comment started out so well then bam you blew it again
sheesh man

Unknown said... have been tagged...see my blog page.

Alekx...yes..I do need help..any idea who?

Kerry M. Conway said...

jack and jill went up the hill

lol-opps no, really...i'll behave i promise...


i have missed yeah all-trying to link everyone back again-growls.

Dorko said...

Opie - woe... steamy! (Dorko breaks a light sweat)
???If U want, I could start whispering 2U about xtra-dumplins right here, right now? (or, maybe just call you in early to dinner sometime & make U stay late to "do the dishes" with me...)??? LOL...
BTW -What's "tagged"-& does it involve arasol whipping cream? (FINE! I'll trot over there, take a look at it 2nite...)

anonymous - great advice! Who R U & Where have U been all my life?

Burfica - RIGHT... rest up and be fortified for the next go round with that stud Gigantor...

Alekx - U still crack me up! (I'm not sure OP needs ANY help, though...)

gama - I was gonna ask YOU the same question! LINK away & I'll follow! :D

kerry - miss U2... we'll get the link kinks worked out - OK?

MomThatsNuts said...

Once, on a blog I did write,
About troll~ings and life full of fright,
When oft it got read,
it filled people with dread,

So they slept open-eyed every night.

Do limeriks count as poems???



Jim said...

heyy Dork,
uno i love u
but do uno dat i lust for u too?

Anonymous said...

Saw your name on Gama's blog and decided to stop by. I enjoyed my visit. I have family in Appalachia too. =o)

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.