Monday, May 01, 2006


Work. =) God Love it!
Everything is boiling down to these scant few, (yet really big) assignments due Tuesday and Wednesday, along with my finals in 4 different subjects.
Work is 1/2 keeping me from being a total wreck with nerves right now.
I had to 'abandon' my studies and split shift at the dorm's cafeteria Saturday.
I've really enjoyed working there this semester. (Last fall was another story - but I won't go there now!)
One of my co-workers mentioned that they're fairly skilled at proof reading so I brought my newly tweaked resume in for them to look over. I have some jaggies in paragraph alinement that need to be straightened up. ... and I thought I should reword the flow in one of my objectives ... other than that, I'm good to go with it. Matter of fact they told me I could just make a living out of writing up people's resumes - they liked mine so much. <- (I thought that was a very nice compliment.) Bright and early this morning I got the call back on a position I'm extremely interested in! So setting up a time to discuss graphic design with an honest to goodness *potential* employer! Yea! About a year and a half - 2 years ago I took abunch of testing for a government position as a 'TSA' - which I passed yet, somehow, I missed the 2nd phase in that process. They've contacted me again and I've yards and yards of paperwork to resubmit, but I'm darn sure going for it... as you never know what direction the good Lord is going to open up for you next... AND... I'm being considered for another position which will require a top secret clearance, so, might as well get myself broke in to doing yards and yards of paperwork right along with getting my references, work and residence histories in spit shined order. SO. Maybe I'll stick my head outside today and take a whiff of that clean, prairie air - just refreshed by a sweet little sunshower this am. Maybe I will. As a break from the papers. Before I have to go to my appointments... and my other work, this afternoon.
lol. =)
Happy Monday 2All!


Burfica said...

whoooooohoooooo good luck with the appointments. And don't ya just love the little sunshowers. hehehehehehe

Alekx said...

Happy Monday
And wow on the job opprutunities coming your way

Ain't it amazing where life takes us at different times in our journey.

Mia said...

Good luck!!

Libby said...

hey dorko, happy May!! good luck with the new directions, giving you lots of choices, and you'll get lots of guidance on which direction to go, ya know?

DLAK said...

Hey babe, When they do the background on you for your clearance they will talk to your family, freinds and check all your computer goings on. I only mention it because I'm sure theres a file on me somewhere, LOL you know, guilt by association.
JUST KIDDING, to me it sounds like the sky is the limit for our little Dorko and you should be proud (but not to proud,lol) :)

NWJR said...

WORK is a four-letter word for a reason.

dangermama said...

good luck

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.