Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Straight As!

This is not a continuation of Monday's post
This is me being a shameless braggert.
I got grade 'A's posted-up for my academic efforts this semester, all classes except for - doing the Math... and that was an A+. (Cool Beans, huh?!)
I'm happy about all of that.
I'd been doing the Math all over my world. It pays to do a regular inventory, don't you think?
Some things add up and somethings just don't... what's the mathematical term for that? They don't agree, I believe that's it. And of course any thing following after a recorded error, just gets worse - especially if you don't recognize and reconcile the root problem. One thing the single life style has taught me is- never trust someone other, checking over your figures to be true - must less accurate in their assessments. While it's nice to have the help, don't be mislead! You should always know for yourself - what your running balance is and ought to be. You GOT to do that for yourself. It's your responsibility and of course, you pay a price anytime you neglect those. Got to be diligent. Got to also be true and honest in your dealings with others, too - there should be no exceptions to this rule...
I just re-read all that - bla-bla-bla! lol.
Told you all I'd be working EXTREMELY hard - when I committed to doing this.
Ah! A 'Pursuit of Excellence'! I'm on a good trek and I'm beginning to reap some rewards -=)
I might still take a summer class... I'd better decide soon!
The real focus though, is to continue to work-out, and work smart, at a job or 3 - put myself into good position going into semester 3!
Got to go ... It was 1/2 past bed time when I started this post - doh!
Cheerios 2U!


Burfica said...

congrats girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You rock, you know that???

Mia said...

Woohoo! Way to go!!!

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.