Friday, April 07, 2006


The assignment: Come up with a name and logo for your own design firm.
- (Should you manage to complete the course offerings, and, brave out on your own, in the business world, this might be something you'd actually use!) -

My original thumbnail shows a classic column with a blue line in an asymetrical arch to the right of the column with the black retangle reflecting the 'Design Paradigms' name.
(I liked it, because it rhymes [Paradigms is pronounced 'para-dimes' <- like someone just gave you 20 cents!] and, it also carries on the 'dP' signature I've always used for my art)

I also liked what Steven Covey had to say about Paradigms in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Covey made me want to understand them better when he said:

"Before we can understand these Seven Habits we need to understand our own "paradigms" and how to make a "paradigm shift".
Both the Character Ethic and the Personality
Ethic are examples of social paradigms. The word paradigm comes from
the Greek. It was originally a scientific term, and is more commonly used today
to mean a model, theory, perception, assumption, or frame of reference. In the
more general sense, it's the way we "see" the world -- not in terms of our
visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, interpreting.

For our purposes, a simple way to understand
paradigms is to see them as maps. We all know that "the map is not the
territory." A map is simply an explanation of certain aspects of the territory.
That's exactly what a paradigm is. It is a theory, an explanation, or model of
something else." - end quote.
I took the original through a bunch of applications before coming up with this version.
I rather like the addition of the spiral line element topping the column - don't you? I think it adds even more symbolism and interest to the design.

I'm putting a few of the images I worked through on here to show you a bit of my work process.

PLEASE, please, please feel free to state honest opinion, thought, critique in your comments...
Next time, I post I'll tell you all the elements, symbolisms, and meaningful references I see in this design.

Just for fun, why don't you tell me what you "see", "perceive", "understand", "interpret" - from this logo design??? I'd be curious and grateful to know and have your input!


Burfica said...

I think it sorta looks like a dipiction of the olympic torch.

Hey maybe that's what the trailer got burned down with?? hehehehe

EV said...

Nice job! I'm impressed, you do good work.

NWJR said...

Actually, I like it. I think the colour might be a bit overdone--gradients are notoriously difficult to print--but overall, GREAT JOB!

(Actually, my favorite is the first one in the post above, but I value simplicity over everything)

Nice to share the thought process that went into this as well. Great insight.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.