Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Swipe files

Every artizan keeps swipe files.
I was talking to a classmate and they said, "My whole house, practically is jammed with swipe file!"
I had to agree. "Same here, I got file drawers, magazine stacked, notebooks jammed!" (I broke down and started buying holders for them a few years ago - but now that I'm living on the barrowed funds of student loans I'm thinking re-cycling Cheerios boxes to house magazines and artsy notebooks, would be a great way to go!)
They are pure reference, things that caught the eye or captured the fancy.
We were instructed early on in both the Digital Imaging class and the Graphic Design to start compiling a swipe file (I mentioned this in yesterday's post).
I downloaded some images I'd been sent in e-mails that had been obviously, (and humorously!) photoshop enhanced. Even though I turned in the file to teacher, I can add to it up to tomorrow, so, I'm still looking to pad up that file if any of you think you'd have something good soxed away somewhere? =)
At any rate.... we laughed and laughed when I handed a few of these around the 'Mad Mac Lab' and so I thought I might post the ones I still have on computer file here on the blog, too.
Gotta love the richness, texture and good natured fun someone else's imagination - spilling out into the world - can add to our own day to days!
Four Candles is one Opie sent to me that I couldn't just print off and stick into the file so I'm linking it. Hope the link works and you like it as much as I did! =)
This one came with the message that "This is a pix of 2 identical dolphins. If you see any differences in the 2 you may be stressed and in need of a vacation"
Then we have the penguins. This came with the caption to "Do the brave thing .... and then run like hell!" (I think it's the spectator penguin with the little purse that cracks me up the most here.)


I must admit the pix titled "Smart Turkey" took me a moment or 2 to figure... hiding out under the lampshade, pure turkey genious! hehe...


Last, but not least - we see a pix that came titled as 'East Texas Bird Dogs' I took editorial privildge in saving a copy to my swipe file and renamed this one East Texas Bird Dawgs. Hehehee!

Happy 'Hump-Day' everyone! =)


Burfica said...

I just love those pictures. The penguin one makes me crack up every time.

Libby said...

these are really good, dorko!

Alekx said...

I love the penguin one.
But the penguins in Madagascar were my favorites too.
Like when they made it to antartica and are standing there looking out and one flaps his little wing and goes Well this sucks. Made me pee my pants.

Anonymous said...

I love the dawgs!

Unknown said...

cool....I forgot...but they are in your mailbox now...loaded!

Love you Shugger!

Mia said...

I've seen those before and the penguin one is my favorite.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with using cheerio boxes for fits Your name.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.