Monday, February 18, 2008

News:it's gonna be a boy (maybe)

I have not posted any meaningful updates for a while now.
I thought it was about time to do some catch-ups.
The big news at Christmas time in my family was that my brother and his wife are expecting another baby - due sometime in June.
The big news this month is that they've had an ultra sound and it is lookin' like a boy! yea!
That would mean that I am 5 out of 6 right in correct gender guessing my nieces and nephews - those that I could guess on anyways. The little hummingbird, came to us in a 2fer deal when her Momma married the Rock. ... and so the only one I have guessed wrong on so far, has been her baby sister (the one that just celebrated her 2nd birthday, end of January) - I was saying a boy for her as well. =)
I made a little neckless for her for Valentine's day and a Pin for her older sister. Those 2 really seemed to like them. Made me happy when they put them right on... even happier when, I tried to get the little one to give the neckless back, so I could look at one of the charms I'd put on it and she dodged me, with a shy smile and doubter's look - not wanting to relinquish the new trinket - at all.
Love them kids.
Love those I teach in Sunday school too.
Yesterday, I had them set up an obsticle course then I made them say their prayers, just before and I blindfolded the lot of them!
Heheehee. I rather liked tying them up!
Then I sent them through the obsticle course they just made.
They were supposed to listen to me to be able to make it through - unscathed. (as you can well imagine some were better at this than others!)
I got 2 of them through everything then stopped and told them all the game was changing. That they were still going to have to listen only to me to make it through, but that the other 2 were gonna be telling them to do stuff to... only I wasn't gonna be talking as loud as they were.
It got rather interesting at that point.
I eventually untied all of the children (de-blindfolded them) and we read some stories out of the scriptures.
We do a game with that too, every time I stop reading they have to say the next thing, and every time 'God' or 'Jesus' is speaking to someone - that's their part too.
I had to supress a laugh the first time I planned this out with them, and all the boys in the class responded by dropping their vioces down to as deep a pitch as what they possibly could to read those parts... lol! Kids!

1 comment:

Burfica said...

I haven't commented in a few days. I'm sorry, I've been so so sick.

I'll re comment when I'm feeling like living again.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.