Tuesday, January 03, 2006


1. FOOD - I had a Turkey sandwich on whole, honey wheat, washed down with a tall glass of chilled apple cider. I ate this as a late night supper last night. What a flavor combination. If I was a restauranture (sp?) I'd offer that, along with a portion of my 7-8-9 layer salad as a meal deal. BTW, my last layer salad was simply YUM! and had the following:

Washed, torn and spun romaine leaves
chopped thinly (1/4" or so) celery
thawed (formerly fresh-frozen) green peas
2 green onions - chopped
crumpled, dehydrated homegrown and vine-ripened tomatoes
a handful or 2 of dehydrated wild cherries
shredded carrot
cooked, crumpled bacon
chopped boiled eggs
shredded mixed cheese - cheddars, colbys, Monterey jack
I left the dressing choice upto the individual as I took this as my contribution to a dinner held elsewhere.

I call it my 7-8-9 layer salad because it always varies depending upon what I happen to have on hand when I make it up. This one had a flavor combination which really popped. I had about 4 servings of it as left overs from the dinner. I gave a portion or 2 to an elderly friend and happily saved the remainder for myself. The flavors were even better the day after! So I thought I'd make a note of this one.
I don't know where I'll get wild cherries this summer, the one's I had came to my by way of a friend from Trayer, KS - one I don't see much of these days since we're working at other places and endeavors now. I do know that I'll be having tomatoes in a garden this coming season. If for no other reason than to rebuild my supply of the stock I've dehydrated and kept in the fridge.

2. I'm starting a new e-journal on the machine today for all the daily hum-drums that I don't/won't post here. I noticed that I have folders marked 2001, 2004, 2005. I got this computer in 2000 - a day after Thanksgiving 'Special' at the local Wal-Mart store. I figured it was a must have with my desires to go back to school. I returned to my 'Hometown' of McCook in the summer of 2001. This machine remained packed away until I settled into the home that I'm in now and that move happened in December of 2004.
(I will neeeeeeeeeeeeeever, EVER, move my household between Thanksgiving and Christmas again! EVER! Most people would think weather to be the reason why not, BUT - as I live and breathe people, I tell you it's the stress that's over the top! Now, it didn't help any that my Mother, living 2 1/2 hours away from where I was at the time, was hospitalized 3 days before the big move with reports indicating 'spots' on her lungs. I Thank God that she's still 'Doctoring' and still with us and that she, too returned to McCook, last spring. I thank God for the un-seasonably mild weekend he provided for that last move of mine, He gave us 70 degree days! His Grace is truly Amazing! And - I Thank God for His Providence in this home, which was my Grandmother's home. It holds so many wonderful memories for me. It's big enough for all my 'stuff', lol, I am typing away on the machine, here in what used to be her sewing room. I've adapted it for a small office/study area.)

3. The Journal Jar. I am back to it. Shortly after I started this blog I mentioned my journal jar. Still, I have not kept up with the journal jar ideal. I am making a fresh attempt at it this year. You all can play along if you'd like. The idea is this jar is stocked with colorful slips of paper containing all sorts of thought provoking questions and directives. They are to jog your memories and get you telling or writing down your personal stories.
I will be drawing a slip of paper out of the jar and making my personal notes in response to the idea, question, or directive, on that piece of journal jar paper.
I heard, some people use this as breakfast / dinner conversation with their children.
I've trotted it out on Thanksgiving Holiday once when we had a large gathering to dig out some good stories from relatives and in-laws... the results were hilarious, and sweet - laughter, laughter, laughter & that feeling of togetherness amid family that is a true treasure of more value than anything else I can think of in the world today.

Today's journal jar directive:

Oy! I've been 'coupled' before but never married... so I've got to think about how I want to go with this... do I describe my first home/apartment I had of my very own - sans other family members? ...or do I describe my first home/apartment I had in co-habitation with a love?

Food for thoughts indeed!
I'll chew on it and get that review down here tomorrow.

May we all enjoy good flavors throughout this week.
D. ~


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Libby said...

happy new year, dorko!! your salad sounds good...but, personally, i'm getting ready to go make a good 'old-fashioned' bologna sandwich!! Mmmmmmmmm!

DBFrank said...

Ya made me hungry!

Anonymous said...

A very merry happy new year, dorko:)


Anonymous said...

ok you made me curious - a 'journal jar'? is this something that you bought, made, or was given? it sounds kinda fun.

Dorko said...

Web-Pony -
IMade it. =)
It was initially a church home enrichment project - so that's where I got my jar's contents. You can make up your own, too.
It is kinda fun.
You start by getting together a bunch of thought & conversation provoking, directives or questions.
Type them up doubled or triple spaced, and printed out on different colored paper(s). Then you cut the indiviual Prompts into paper ribbon/slips and put them all jumbled up in to the jar.
You pull out a slip and tell a story to satisfy the directive or question on it. The idea is by the time you've gone all the way through the jar you have some pretty good stories written down in your journal.
I've read once where this basic idea was done by a Mom at the breakfast/diner table as a means for Mom&Dad to get more substance out of the kids than "OK" and "Nothing" to conversation prompts like 'How was your day?' and 'what did you do at school today?' Never too late to have fun with kids and teach them the fine art of meaningful communication in conversations!
Did that help? ... maybe I should market these things... hummmm...? lol!

Anonymous said...

Actually, that *does* sound like a pretty cool lil' home-invention
To randomly pick something from a jar would seem to be like the magic-8-ball of writing! (lol)
It'd be fun to get someone elses ideas and be challenged by that - let me know when you got your jar for sale on eBay! :)

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.