Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Lemonade Game

I just came from Entrepreneur class.
The fist 15-20 minutes of class were spent here: The Lemonade Game
Yes, yes! -> Playing the lemonade game.
This was both great fun & a hands on learning experience for the class.
Try it yourself and see how well you do!

I'll have to have another go at it myself. ... my 'notebook' computer I was using in class 'folded' up on me (unexpectedly shut down) so my first whack at this was lost. Not before a learned a couple tricks at scoring in the lemonade biz, though! (Ice melts , EVERYtime... so not good to stock up on that!)

Sunday night studies and up dates:
from one of my online classes...

The Art of Leadership

art (noun) 1. skill acquired by experience or study. 2. a system of rules to facilitate performance; the use of skill and imagination in applying such rules (the art of building, the art of persuasion). 3. endeavor requiring special knowledge and ability (fine arts, practical arts). 4. the product or result of artisitc faculty (body of work).

leadership (noun) 1. showing the way or direction; the course of action. 2. indluencing or causing to follow by words and deeds. 3. guiding the behaviour of others through ideas, strength, or heroic feats. 4. the position or function of one who leads (the king led his people). 5. the ability to lead (she displayed leadership skill).

I think I'm gonna dig this study. Second page into the text has this question:

What is Leadership? - the answer is social influence. It means leaving a mark. It is initiating and guiding and the result is change. The product is a new character or direction that otherwise would never be... by their ideas and deeds, leaders show the way and influence the behavior of others.
Then, to show the importance of ideas, we are asked to consider the legend of King Arthur, who led the Knights of the Round Table with his vision of chivalry:

My teacher Merlyn, who always remembered things that haven't happened better
than things that have, told me once that a few hundred years from now it will be
discovered that the world is round - round like the table at which we sat with
such high hope and noble purpose. If you do what I ask, perhaps people will remember how we of Camelot went questing for right and honor and justice. Perhaps one day men will sit around this world as we did once at our table, and go questing once more... for right... honor... and justice.

Ok. That's like, page 2. (lol) and I'm lovin it - looking forward to more interesting toss-ins as we go merrily along our way! =)

Better get back "tuit"... wanna keep the grades up. I fished a letter out of the mailbox, yesterday, nominating me for something called the National Dean's List. No cost to send in a Biography and it automatically gives you some leveragible perks. ... (i.e.: scholarship info, etc...)

May you, yes, YOU!!! have a blessed week!

=) Cheerios,


1 comment:

Burfica said...

YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGGED!!!!!!!! check out my blog to find out all the info. hehehehe

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.