Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hello 2007!

Hello 2007!
...and helloooooooo...
(heart - skips a beat, for fleeting fright and 2 more measures, for sheer surprise!)
What is this strange, oddly BIG (and *gasp* moving!) shape standing on just the other flimsy side of my door?
Good Golly, It's barely 8 a.m. and dang it am I glad I'm not nakid right now... pulling on the teddy bear nightshirt - coming straight up out of bed was a good idea... why did I do it?
Ah, yes.
Whispered, "you may have an unexpected visitor" ... and now, coming up out of the basement, I find I - I have ... a ... (pulls the lovely lace curtain aside) COW??? (an unexpected visitor, indeed!) A rather nice looking brown cow ...in my carport.
Parked neatly in, next to the car.
A window peeping cow - apparently.
As close to the house as she could be - 'for warmth no doubt,' I thought.
There we stood.
Gazing at one another.
Looking through the large glass, a window through the door, really, and into each other's big brown eyes.
I'll call Rick. It's probably his cow, even if it isn't, he's going to be much more ready, willing and able to deal with her... or is it him? Yes. I'm pathetic. Living in beef country and I'm 'zip' knowledgeable on how to tell the difference, nor do I care, to tell, mind you, between cow and steer. (If I had to lay money on it I'd go with steer though!) ;-)
Rick is a favorite of mine (even though I don't talk to him near enough these days)... and I'm not just saying that because he come along on his tractor Sunday morning - blading all the trails out here, along with a courtesy bumpout, in the driveway directly behind my car - Whoo-hoo! - God Love him! - he's a cousin, who operates the Well Drilling service just up the road from me. And, did I mention he keeps a few cows around the place?
So I call him up and get Lisa, his lovely wife - who asks me, before calling Rick herself, what color is the cow?
"Brown." I say. "It's a very nice, brown cow. In my carport. Staying nice and warm up near the house and out of the wind."
I got to thinking after we'd said goodbye that - that was a good question. The cows across the road are mostly black with an occasional white patch. I guess that's why I immediately thought this was Rick's cow. Because of it's beautiful coloring. Then I wondered if it was the same 0ne that was so watchful over my mowing last summer.
Soooo watchful that it almost made me feel bad I wasn't bagging the clippings and dumping all that sweetness over the fenceline for that cow to savor for real - rather than just standing by - a watchin' and a wishin'.
Any who,
What does the 'Sign of the Bovine' mean exactly?
Especially at the beginning of a brave, new year?
Does this mean I'll have good luck for the rest of the year?
...meat (ahem) meet the 'beef-cake' of my dreams?
... I'm taking it as a good sign - no indication that I'm about to be slaughtered - heh. please!...
...How do I KNOW it's intended to be a good sign of things to come???
That beautiful, brown cow left behind a little brown gift... lol...
Now, I'm ready for anything and everything!
Moooove it on over people.
Keep a wide shovel close by
And ...
Let the good times roll!
Love to all who pass this way!


Burfica said...

hahahahaha that's funny. So did the cow end up being Ricks after all???

Maybe you should have named it and kept it. It could have done all your mowing for you. hehehehee

Dorko said...

NOW we put 2&2 together...
She belonged to Rick.
Maybe I can barrow her back, come Spring thaw?
...at least she was a nice cow...
Don't know what I would have done if she'd been a "Madcow"!?

Libby said...

dorko-i think i know what it was...she wanted MILKED!! heehee!

MomThatsNuts said...

None of my neighbors have cows. I am feeling slighted. I feel really bad. Did she at least give you some nice sweet milk? Gosh...your neighbor have any CHICKENS???


DLAK said...

LOLOLOLOL!!!!! When I first started reading this I thought you had seen me out there (wipes the sweat from his brow)
That is so funny, my faverite part is when she asked you what color it was.
Happy New Year sweety!
PS: I think the cow is a good sign but if you have a squirrel in your basement, RUN!!!!

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.