Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another Storm link...

Someone e-mailed this to me and I forwarded it on to a few others... I did want to post it here too. I liked the blogger commentary that the guy put up with the pictures. 'specially the one about the pet exercise sign...lol!
The Queen of Panic! ought to find some interest in these as there's some shots of the damage around Kenesaw (she weathered a few storms there herself!) =)
Anyways, here's the link: http://www.extremeinstability.com/06-12-31.htm... scroll down once you get there and follow along pages 1-4. as Storm Crazy Photoman takes you on a little journey.

In other news... I went to the holiday party for the Gazette Saturday night. If it hadn't been for the fact that they were holding a five dollar bill of mine hostage, I might have skipped the party and a whalloping good time, (as it was snowing again all day that day and into the next, you know? Just makes one want to snuggle up at home!) - the deal was you got your five bucks back when you got to the club house. We had the run of the Heritage Hills (golf course) club house and it was just the right size venue for the festivities. I had been inducted onto the planning committe and practically every idea I came up with got played out at the party- all the way down to the making of silly hats out of old gazettes, everyone there had to do this (at the tail end of the party) - each table sent their best effort forward for 'a fashion show' - and then the whole room picked 2 winners: as king & queen of the paper hats. This was such silly good fun! At one point I turned around to see one of the editors, (big guy) had gerry-rigged a pipe cleaner scaffolding/frameworks deal on top of his boxy little hat and had dangling from the center there, a shinny round silver christmas ornament. I'm hoping someone snapped a photo of that one - lol!
We also played: signature bingo, live body bingo, & "The 2006 who's who in the news" table topics, & there was a mini golf putting tournament... which not every one was immediately aware of, I saw a couple people nearly "taken out" by a put or 2 because they'd unknowingly 'wandered' onto the 'green' - well, my golly! They'd set that up right in front of the acess to the Men's and Women's restrooms hehehee.... you couldn't get there any other way.

We were served a wonderful, catered meal. And each found something very special at their place setting - a troy ounce of silver minted into a LARGE Liberty coin, (Indian head on the front, Bison on the back - ) especially for the Gazette. It's silver reclaimed from the lithographic plates used in the paper's runs by some sort of electro-magnetic process... "just one more example of how we do whatever we can to recycle and reclaim. We thought it'd be special if you each got one of these." ...is what we were told.

I love working with these people at the Gazette. I'm glad they called me back after Thanksgiving to fill a part-timer position in customer services. It's going to fit in great with this spring semester.

I don't have a copy with me, but I'll post that news quiz I dregged up - later on this week. I thought it was way fun... the publisher said they might decide to make that one a yearly event! =)

Love and hugs people!


Anonymous said...

I have a couple of games in mind that I would have played at the party...

Glad ya had fun..glad ya didn't get snowed in...

After all that talk about the temperatures hanging in the 70's here..we finally have snow predicted for tomorrow..we're going from 75° to snow in two days.


CianBlue said...
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Dorko said...

Op, lol! Ya, I can imagine... despite all declarations to the contrary I always knew you were a gamer... AND a player, too. ;-)
NTV weatherman showed a big mess of stuff heading your way on last night's report.
I'm glad we didn't get snowed in at the clubhouse bar either! 25 years ago I'd have thought that to be a grand adventure... now, not so much.
We did our trip from 75 to 0 (and now, minus teens) - in short order, Mid-December. Fun, huh?
Be sure you're buttoned down with plenty of good movies, popcorn, your favorite comfort foods, and for you, I s'pose I should add "beverages" to the list... and I know everything and everyone at your house is gonna be ok! (even if your power goes out you got that nice fireplace for extra heat, no?)
God Love ya, Op and so do I...

Burfica said...

That sounds like loads of fun. I'm always suprised at some functions that you are sure aren't gonna be very good, and you would rather stay home. Then you go and have a wonderful time.

Glad that is what turned out to be for you.

EV said...

Yikes!!! Those are some pictures. Been there done that. You take care.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.