Monday, January 29, 2007

From The Little Prince...

The Dean of Business and Community Education turned me on to a well loved children's book, (I'd been invited to her house to help her bake cake)
I took this book along with me the last time I'd gone on vacation.
(There were going to be some very, very, very long layovers in the travel plan)
Here's a bit of wisdom from it:

The Fox: It's only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential, is invisible to the eye. – from The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Weird thing #1 about me - I LOVE children's
literature and still read it, from time to time - I hope to never out grow it.

Weird thing #2 about me - A long time ago (& in what seems to be another life-time) I began to refer to the bathroom as, "The little freak's room". There's a multitude of reasons why. People, including yourself/myself do things in that room that they'd do no other place... Even people you scarcely know – may have occasion to come to your home and ask to privily use this room. Imagine: Strangers - securing themselves into this private and yet somehow public space. . . and they “do” things in there they’d never do if you were watching them. I’m not just talking about hygienic things… ;-) I’m also talking about snoopy things, like looking into your medicine cabinet, or poking through your vanity drawers – peeking into your linen closet. . . Never a good idea to stow “treasure” away in a bathroom, unless it’s truly a private, private bath…. (my sister lost a "friend" & a special Jade&Sliver ring once to this type of thievery friend asked to use the bathroom just before she ended her visit at the house and we never saw either one ever again! Queen of Panic was none too "happy" & I took note on what not to do with my special jewelery!)
Burfica may remember her sister and I hanging a Bull Whip over the door to the
bathroom in the apartment we shared. It made a handy reference for anyone in
need of answering to nature’s call… “Bathroom? Oh! You mean the little freak’s
room! It’s up the stairs and straight on, it’s the one with the whip over the
door.” Lol! (good times)

Weird thing #3 about
me –
I am generally calm, collected and able to do whatever needs to be
done in a trama/drama situation. Drop to my knees, check vitals and begin CPR
til help arrives…, pull the broken bits of sewing needle out of the finger (that
the Singer just ran over) & then administer the first aid…, break loose from
my date and intervene, in a fight-scene-turned criminal assault… but, after the
fact, I’ll seek solace in solitude – I’ll honor the need to ‘defib’ a bit –
curl-up into that proverbial “fetal ball” and process the residuals….

I had to leave this yesterday with something lame like, "um, I gotta go to work!" I'm Fishin' up the rest of the list of 6 now.... which needs to be revised, because the Opie ... never mind!
Weird thing #4 about me - I'm not a big fan of finger pickin' noses, mine or anyone elses! :P I can Soooo identify with Burfica's not wanting anything icky on her hands. If I think it's gotta be picked (not just in need of a clean blow) it's off to the little freak's room we go... where I get down to business with a cotton swab. They do a much better job than any finger could ever do in nose duggery!

Weird thing #5 about me - I'm, I'm a crazy magnate? I am beginning to have this fear... Crazy people seek me out. Really. Some flippy characters have sought my acquaintance over the years and it seems to have gotten worse.... If there's someone in a crowd, who's a fry or 2 short of a full happy meal... they'll find me. I've actually entertained the thought of getting a degree in clinical psychology, figuring if the crazies are gonna keep dropping on by I might as well get the proper skill-sets to DEAL with 'em (as effectively as I positively can). Maybe some nice art theropy...? ***disclaimer! This weird thing is in NO WAY a commentary on anyone in the bloggosphere!!! So if you are reading this, #5!? -> IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! LOL! ***

Weird thing #6 about me - thinking,,,thinking,,,, ok. okokok. I'm an 'organizer' - in a good way (no this has nothing to do with adult entertainment) My MOM is a pack-rat, terrible bad. I can hardly stand to visit her at her place for more than a few minutes because, well my mind starts to bend over the crap she's got piled every where. My place has gotten messy inbetween semesters because of the time factor -but that was the first thing I tackled at break. I like everything in handy sensible reach, logical storage, for where ever what ever I do in that room. Kitchen I can stand in one spot practically and reach, pull out, put away - neatly everything I have and need there etc.... all over the house. I have a well thought out system that makes sense to me...(& I mean I really think about these things - I don't suppose most people go through the steps I do to put 'abc' here because of this or that bla-bla reason. It's all about flow & usabilty! Like the Entertainment center needs to be close to an "exit" traffic lane from the house so I can easily shut it down on my way out. I try NOT to put the TV opposite windows because of daytime glare sometimes you can't help what you've got to work with in an apt. layout... I'm the dishwasher & right-handed so Glasses, plates, bowls need to be in an upper right-hand cabinet from the Kitchen sink... bla, bla, bla...

Bonus "#7"- I've said a "good-night" prayer every night of my life for as far back as I can remember... they've evolved over the years. I've also said a "good-morning" prayer every morning for the past 10 years - solid. (this one is always a 'gratitude' prayer - rarely asking anything, here, only listing things, places, people, situations, lessons, blessings... that I've especially noticed and that I'm especially grateful for.)

Cheerios 2 all of YOU!



Burfica said...

Oh those are great!!!!

Hey dorko I love childrens literature as well, and hope to god I never outgrow it. hehehhehee

MomThatsNuts said...

Loved it!! We call the bathroom the grandfather named it that. I pray morning NOON and night, actually I am in a constant state of prayer, I must be REALLY NAUGHTY. (Mostly I find myself EXPLAINING myself to God, like HE doesnt KNOW me...its odd, thats weird, I left that off my list!!)


Dorko said...

Burfica - I'll toast to that! Cheerios!!!

Mom - lol... yep I'm in the constant prayer thing too, just the morning/evening are pretty set patterns. Love you explaining yourself to God (made me seriously lol!) Left off stuff about cutting sandwhiches, taking pills and fielding snarky comments... what I should have said thoughts slowly rolling in on the heels of whatever it was I did say... You know what I mean? ;-)

Libby said..., for some reason, i always thought you were one of 'those people', you know, organized,and stuff? you know, something i'll never ever be!

Anonymous said...

You sound positively charming.

Dorko said...

lightning bug's butt - thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliment!

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.