That's right.
A run on the
feels somehow like I 'got away' with something.
I had 4 big test out of 5 classes last week.
The 1st one being in my Business Law class.
Over a half dozen chapters.
Thank God, - literally - and the teacher, for that one being an open book.
I hadn't read all the chapters.
I tried, but, not only is this book the biggest, heaviest, most cumbersome book I've got this semester - it could quantify as a major sleep aid, people.
I missed a class or two of lecture.
(Death, Illness...)
Here's the amazing part:
I managed to miss out on only
8 questionsand I
still scored a
100%!!!(insert beaming smile here.)
He (teacher), bless his heart <-(in the true
Nebraskan sense of this phrase), graded on a curve & I managed to be one of the one's topping the curve!
I was disgusted, for a minute, reviewing the test when I saw 2 questions that should have been logical gimmes - which I totally blew... but then I recalled that I'd missed 8 and still scored a 100%.
By the Grace of God, I'm telling ya ...
and... through the open-book, open-notes sensibilities of this teacher.
Happy Wednesday / happy Hump-day everybody!
I've a great deal more to do so ...