Monday, March 14, 2005

Voracious Sireal Blogger

Voracious Blogger ate another Post.
Munchin' Post like they're cereal or something...
Is that what we have here people?
Cereal Blogger? (Ha-Ha!)
I dunno.
I'm feeling silly.
Maybe too much Saby on the blog?
SAVY? Heheheheheheee.
I just make the jokes people.
You don't have to actually "get them" for me to be as HAPPY as a little girl! :) :) :)

Speaking of Cereal reminds me of serial and I'm grateful Kansas finally caught a break in that B.T.K. thing. Sure hope they've got the real Macoy in lock down.
I guess I was too young to give a care when the fiend first went on the rampage.
However once upon a dark evening, late last spring, ...When I was living in that little green cottage, the one with the riot of volunteer sunflowers lining the dirt lane, from highway to house and back again, ...
KSN (Kansas State Network) was one of 4 TV stations I could pull in on the oh, so economical, antenna vision. (FREE is good for me!)
They began talking about this B.T.K.
(@ first I thought I was having hearing difficulty and my brain was confusing Burger King commercials with the nightly news broad casts! No kidding, that's what I thought. Well I was puttering, so I really wasn't watching intently)
You already know Dorko is the purrrfect blog name for me!
Anyways, I slowly begin to figure out that the B.T.K. is short for Bind, Torture, Kill and that a serial murderer...
(whom liked to prey on women mind you)...
(Don't they all?)...
..had surfaced again and was sending cheery little "Nah-nah-na-nah-na!" notes, to the local authorities.
Local, was like, Wichita, KS - over the boarderline and almost the entire length of the state away from me, but they were saying Bind, Torture, Kill!
None of which, happen to be on my fantasy to-do list, thank-you very much!!!!!!!
I got up and locked m' door.
I peered outside. (Nothing but those glorious stars!)
I listened. Cyote & Hoot-owl & bunnies sniffing the wind. All the same...
I began keeping the porch light on and locking the door all the time - even when I was home.
Gave me the Hebegeebees!
I remember one of the first times I ever felt the Hebegeebees like that...
I was living in another little cottage (my first!) this one was painted white with Tiger Lillies prowling & clawing at the edges of the front porch.
(Picture the dreamy, brown eyes of the Dorko, looking afar off & sweetly into the past ......)
The people across the street kept hunting dogs in a kennel by the alleyway.
I always felt sorry for them dogs.
Never saw the people take 'em out for a walk, or to run 'em in a field, let alone a hunt.... anyways....
One night, at an hour that you'd only expect to have truckers, felons and wild dogs out... those doggers began barking their fool heads off.
I was quite annoyed because I'd just gotten to a light ZZZZzzzzzz mode, when they took up.
Woof! Woof! Woo-Woo-Woof!
(I was no longer feeling sorry for them!)
So I tossed, and I turned, and I pulled my pilla up around my ears... and ... that's when I thought, stupid dogs!
They need to just SHUT-UP! SHUT-UP! SHUT-UP! SHUT-UP! Would be good for me..... They NEVER bark. . . . . . . . unless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (soft gasp!) SOMEBODY'S OUT THERE!

pure terror mode. picture; covers up to nose, white knuckle grip...the usual.


Them were a tiny fraction of the days of my mis-spent youth.
So, ...I admit I probably had a big BU infront of the ZZ.
Anytype of BUZZ does nothing to prolong rational thought in the minds of young women. We all know this, except for maybe inebriated young women, right?
I mean, every young man your Mother ever warn you about is banking on that as a matter of fact. Doncha know? You betcha!
Did I think, skunk? Other dog? Cat?
My mind went straight to Boogie man prowler...
And kept me safely tucked away there until the doggers stopped sounding off.
That's what Woof! Woof! Woo-Woo-Woof! is you know, the equivalent of the all purpose alarm in doggieland.
It's were man eventually got the big idea for car alarms.
Hope all you kiddies are safely tucked away... and Sandman brings you sweet dreams, in deed!
No worries, now!

P.S. Here's a spooky little link for you to brave!


Burfica said...

Oh man. Well Ted Bundy came through here. *shudder*

From where I lay on my bed I can look out the bedroom door and see the laundry room door. The hubby so geniously hung up his firefighting bunkers on the laundry room door one night. I wake up in the middle of the night to a noise (probably one of the dogs) and look out my door to see. This giant man thing standing there. OMG I'm amazed my heart is still in my body. I was so scared, then I had to wake hubby up and give him a good beatin for scaring me that way. heheheheee

Alekx said...

Last time there was a big noise and the mutts started the howeling at the door with enough enthusium to bust window panes and ear drums alike the house elf leaps outta bed grabs the 9mm heads for the door, gets all the way to the door and remembers that I am the firearm expert in the family so he sheeplishly hands the weapon back to me and goes sic em hunni.
Now there is romance at it's finest.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.