Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Juicy = good

One of my interest...
(That blogger wouldn't let me post :-C ) delicious food!
(C'mon. I know I'm not the only one out there in bloggerland that's into this!?)

So I got this recipe from a Church-lady, who got it from her Grandma, one, Marion Wells, who used to cook her hams this way back in the day.
Churchlady tells me that by the time she'd grown up and left home, practically everybody in her hometown was cooking their hams like this, too.
After test driving it again today, I can tell you I'm hip.
It's my only ham recipe now.

This is just too EZ and too darn good!

For all of you He-Men who pass this way and think this post is not for you, know ye this: Women think it is SEXY when guys cook! Especially when it turns out as good, and as juicy as this does, like, everytime!

Am I right Ladies?

So... if you are into juicy/good ... (what was I talking about...!?)

Anyway, here's the recipe:

Marion Wells' Delicious Ham
"I cook the heck outta it!"
Put the ham in a large pot, big enough to completely cover it with water, 1 & 1/2 Cups of Apple Cider Vinegar,
and 1 & 1/2 Cups of Brown Sugar.
Bring this to a boil and cook for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours.
Let it sit until it cools down. (a lot of fat comes off!)
Take it out of the pot and prepare it to roast in a baking bag by mixing together 1 Cup of Brown Sugar
with 2 to 3 Tablespoons of Dry Mustard
- which you pack on the outside of the ham & put in the baking bag (follow baking bag directions).
Place in a 250 degree oven for another 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours depending on the size of the ham.
To all of my vegetarian friends, I'd like to publicly apologize...
To everyone else - Enjoy!
:-* (kiss!)


Burfica said...

That sounds sooooo good, we will have to try it. How big of a ham do you get for this??? Is it a shank ham you get??? Tell me more girlfriend!!!!

firacub said...


Thanx for visiting by mate :))

The recipies rock ;)


Alekx said...

mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm good...sure wish I liked to eat not wanting to eat Anything and I do mean anything

Dorko said...

I used a shank or bone-in ham. I used a stock pot to cook phaseI in.
I got enough left over to freeze for quick fixes!

Jim said...

Heyyy Dork

it's lent
u shudnt be eating so much

Dorko said...

Saby U still silly!?

Jim said...

dont keep on calling me silly ! ....

u....u....u.... u dumb dork !

Dorko said...


I'm sorry.

(Where I come from "silly" is not a necessarily a bad thing to be!)

Jim said...

just kidding

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.