Saturday, March 19, 2005


I wasn't gonna blogger no more today...

Then again, I just finished a boat load of dirty dishes - sprucing up the house today, & THAT gave me an idea to take a break & blog ya, doncha know?

I'd been putting off doing said dishes as long as possible. (I'm the only dishwasher in the place, despite the fact that Ladydog and Suessalicious [the kitty] TRY to VOLUNTEER like EVERY MEAL! I'm picky about the house pets cleaning up dishes of all things... I mean dogs especially leave that slimy kind of saliva behind that one can never seem to completely get through back at the sink. OOOOOUUUUUUuuu! *crinkle nose*)

Anyways... I have this favorite pan. It's a little saucepot (just like me! *gooosh!*) ...only it's also got a steamer which fits it like a double boiler. Perfect for a lot of different stuff. The other day I was fixin'up some fresh, steamed broccoli for one or two... (left overs are super in wraps!) when there's a ring of the door bell and my friend, Ben, appears! He's brought lunch with him! (Cool Beans!) So we dive into what he's brung. Naturally.


I forgot I was steaming stuff!

It should go no more than 5 min. and it went long enough to drain all the color from the broccoli straight into the bottom of the pan. At which point it all went from a green to a charcoal BLACK! Even the bits of broccoli at the bottom of the steamer were starting to charbroil in there!
(Charbroiled broccoli is not a tasty dish on an electric range top!)

Hello Garbage can! I rinsed and wiped and contemplated tossing the entire pan. But today! TODAY! I finally made myself face the clean up job and in mid scrub I remembered an old kitchen tip: VINEGAR + CREAM OF TARTER = CLEAN PANS! So I get 'em out, squirt & sprinkle, let sit for a minute or 2 and WALL-LA! Just a few light go overs with the spounge scrubber thingie and clean pan!!!

OK! Break over!


DLAK said...

You should not be alarmed. It is not unusual for the novice DLAK viewer to have such a response. Please go directly to the nearest emergency room and have a doctor look at your right elbow. DLAK is not responsible for your right elbow.

Burfica said...

LOL I would have just left the pan thrown away. hehehehe

Now get back to work woman and don't forget to do mine while your at it. hehehehe

Phoenix5 said...

Hi Dorko! I'm not sure when you posted your comments to my blog recently (as Burf will tell you, I'm a most sporadic blogger) but thanks for them! To answer your question, a coach has hard seats that don't recline with next to no leg room for us taller types, and a LUXURY coach has nice soft reclining seats, leg room, a DVD player, VCR, screens every couple of rows so nobody has to strain their eyes when watching movies.... and a nice (if tiny) bathroom in back! We got spoiled that weekend! :-D

kitten said...

UM..gross. Broccolli always smells bad!

Mathieu said...

Hi Dorko, and thanks for dropping by :)

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.