Saturday, March 05, 2005

Dorko is as Dorko does...

Dorko is a nickname that my brother gave to me after those akward, personality -formative years were pretty much done for.

(My brother has his own nickname, Rock, bestowed upon him eons ago by a pack of Jr. High peers ... something to do with his intellect - thus "Rock" turned out to be a major misnomer for them & it's a mis-lead if you try to apply that original story to who he is today . Turns out he was just really, really, really good at acting dense, in Jr. High School.)

Anyways... my brother, Rock, has a bit of a reputation for nicknaming people... because the labels he dishes out have enough truth in 'em that they've a tendancy to "stick" on the people he dubs.

OH! This "Dorko" name vexed me so!
Wasn't I cooler than that?
A few of his buddies were brave enough to test drive the nickname within earshot of me or worse yet [cringe] address me with it.
I hurt them.
(Lord, I'd like to publicly apologize for that at this time.)

Meanwhile Rock was delighted.
Not only did he feel he had the perfect nickname for me, he was the only one that could and would use it to address me directly (and as often as possible) in public! Fun, fun, fun!

Here's another thing: I spent hours today blogging up a real good piece about moi... trying to fill in some data for all who pass this way, along the lines of profile. (until I get the blasted profile thingie to work for me!)

I wrote and wrote today... what else am I gonna do? Housework? The dishes? [maniacal laughter] This is much more fun! [big smiles!]

It was a beautiful piece of work, if I do say so myself! Ah, the detailing: nuts my immediate family gets me,
...where I've been,
[some of the] things I've done,
there was the little cottage (I recently moved from), that was just far enough off the edge of the universe, that I could touch the stars in the night time sky!
...there were fireflies (my favorite bug!),
... and rattle snakes,
& Riots of sunflowers,
& prairie dog towns
& my sweet Ladydog,
& BLOOD SACRAFICE (which I felt was fairly climatic),
& that song, "Oh Baby it's Cold Outside",
& the new kitty,
& Love,
& green "GO" lights decending from Mid-heaven,
.....& Blogger fricken ate it! (again!)

Then... I realized that I may not have "refreshed" or did the "save draft" thingie...just quite as I should... hence the nickname "Dorko"... and well, I could be the original "my bad" ...and let's just say I've made peace with it, this "Dorko" nickname, as I've grown and matured alittle.
And, ultamitly, I must confess, oh, how well it does suit me.

I've considered personalized plates.
(give everyone on the road a heads up.)

Some who know me might say, "Oh no! that's not YOU! You've got it together girlfriend!"
But those that really know me well say, (with love, mind you, much love), "Oh that's totally her! She's such a Dorko!"

I am not claiming split personalities here.
Nothing as dramatic or dangerous as say, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.
Think more absent-minded-professor, I guess.
Like, sometimes, I know what I am doing every second of the day.
And then there's those times that I've driven down the street with my to-go-cup Coca-Cola riding on the top of my car.

Okay. I havn't actually driven down the street with my cola on the top of my car since, oh, maybe the mid 80's or so and there were a lot of people doing that sort of thing at that time....
'nuff said.

You get the picture, right?



Burfica said...

hahahahahaha hehehehehehe hohohoohhoohho uh uh uh uh uh uh

Gigantor and I just crack up every time we read your stuff. Girl you make life funny, and laughing is so good for the soul. hehehehe

My two favorite phrases are "embrace your dorkiness" and "dare to be dorkie" Guess we are all in the same boat. hehehehe

Phoenix5 said...

Point of Information!

The "Phoenix" Pitch Black is referring to is NOT ME! I have no idea who Pitch might be, and even if I did, I'd NEVER call him ANYTHING-ass! It's just not me! I'm just too darn nice to call anyone an ass to their face! LOL!! Or is that too chicken? Flaming chickens.... uh oh... BBQ?

Alekx said...

I seem to remember one or two instances where we both needed to be called Dorko. hehehhe
How is the meat head Rock doing anyway. Gosh it's been a long time since I thought about your family.. Thanks for the memories girlie..

kitten said...


And as for blogger...well it can *&&%% $%&*99 my &%$!!!

Jim said...

Kittens wid a foul mouth shudnt be allowed in here, Dork

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.