Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Magic! (Really!)

SO... Rentals are NEVER really as "clean" at the walk through with the landlord as what you (maybe it's just me?) really think they ought to be after you've signed papers, paid money, moved your stuff, and begin to REALLY look around as you re-situate to the 'new' surroundings.For instance, I thought the bathroom of the new place looked fairly clean, if not woefully smaller than what I was leaving.Upon closer inspection I find: the toilet "wobbles", there's scum everywhere, and the sink is being supported by a stick. (yes. You read right - a stick, I tell you!) I will not tell you, in great detail, about what I found lifting the lid of the toilet - except to say that it did involved a raisin, and, yes, I almost hurled cleaning IT up. (shudders!)So! I've been re-situating and cleaning. I've been using those disposable disinfecting wipes. For the quick, let's-just-get-something-done-about-this NOW, thing and deal with the in depth cleaning details at a later date. These wipes are very handy for this type of deal. I won't move again without them!Then, yesterday I was looking around at the extremely ill-designed and old fashioned kitchen... my eye particularly landing, time and again, on the old-timey country kitchen sink. Boy was it grimy! Stained, hardened water deposits, soap scum - icky. Right beside said, icky sink was a product sample of Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser - so I pull up a chair, (I'm a 1/4 inch shy of 6' - the sink is sitting maybe a yard off the floor - I'll be sitting working at this sink a lot I think) and read the hype, er, directions to the 'Magic Eraser' ....: "Clean things you never thought you'd get clean!" it read. lol OK sink - meet Mr. Clean! ... and to my amazement, it was working! To be fair I did have to put some muscel power in, later on some of the thicker hard water deposits that had obviously built up over, say, the last 80 years... but I'm wondering if even that was because I only had a sample size eraser to work with - (they're designed to disintegrate, breaking down over time and usage.)Well, that's a lot of typing to say this: I'm sold on Mr. Clean's Magic Erasers and now have that on my shopping list.If you're dealing with incredible grime - you might try one however you might want to read this report first: http://housekeeping.about.com/od/productreviews/gr/mrcleanmagicer.htm


Burfica said...

we used alot of mr. clean stuff. Now our new favorites are Greased Lightning, and the new Bam cleaner by easy off. And that one, what is it called. Bartenders Friend, or Barkeeps Friend, something like that. I haven't found anything else to get the crusted on black/grey crap out of the toilet.

Alekx said...

wobbly toilets this too sounds oh so familiar.

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.