It's severe upper respiratory CRUD I've been doing battle with for, lo, these passing 3 weeks now, I've lost my voice!
I haven't had laryngitis in decades.
People talk to me on the phone and say, "My word, Dorko! You sound terrible!!!"
"Yeah," I sweetly reply, "but I'm just as cute as I EVER was!"
I have to give a talk in my Business and Professional Speaking Class this Friday!
And I have no voice.
Maybe I can just type it all out and employ the old follow along with the "bouncing ball" trick, projecting it on screen, at the front of the class. =)
I gave a small verbal report this morning... and it was a real struggle, even with the scintillating subject matter I'd chosen.
Topic this morning you wonder?
How "we" differ in our treatment of animals... last week's Gazette published 2 reports (and 2 very different methods of operandi!) for escapee animals.
Item one, a news release from the eastern edge of Nebraska, told the story of 2 cows making a run for it, somehow managing an escape from holding pens in Omaha, (They have big holding pens there, think of the world reknown 'Omaha Stakes') ... said cows, running wild, through the streets of Omaha, NE. (Can you imagine!?) The Omaha Police Department in hot pursuit, reported that after several attempts to regain control of the situation and capture the cattle, the bovines were unceremoniously shot dead.
(I was kinda saddened by the report. Thought, for a moment that it would have been 'nice' if they (the outlaw cattle) had been recognized for their ingenuity and daring, and given pardon. May be even put out to pasture rather than dressed up for the diner table, but that's just fanciful me.)
Another account last week, detailed the bravado of a Show Doggie of a different sort. Champion Bohem Cest La Vive, the full name for a Whippet, more commonly refered to as "Vivi".
Said article related how search efforts had escalated to now include 12 Psychics engaged now, in consultations with authorities as to the whereabouts of the Westminster Kennel Club winner... and, get this, there's been a $5,000 dollar reward posted... (I'm thinking you have to bring Vivi in alive to collect it though.) The 12 Psychics were mostly stressing a strong sense that the dog was safe and sheltered in a warm area. The hunt for Vivi began when she somehow managed to escape handlers, thus, leading airport personel, both on foot, and in 3 different vehicles, in a run across the tarmacs of JFK International Airport, reaching top speeds of upto 25-30 miles per hour. Vivi somehow managed to nose her way into a marshy area of the grounds and that's where the trail went cold. The end of the report stated that, "Droppings consistent with those of a 30 pound whippet were found near cargo bays." Some of which are heated. Them Psychics might be on to something - the heated cargo bays were being searched as of that reporting!
So! Vivi apparently stopped long enough to drop a load! =)
(Sorry, couldn't resist a snarkism, here...) And provide a bright hope of picking up on her trail, once more! (I know, I know! I'm bad.)
Get-ALong-Little-Doggie! (What ever that means!)
I'm wishing for the best of all possible out comes for Vivi, a whippet. A whippet good...
No human life is ever truly wasted, for one might always serve as a bad example!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Running behind...
Running behind sux just as much as being sick sux! =)
I am beginning to feel better ... which is good, because I'm throwing a Baby Shower this Sunday afternoon for that new baby, darling Haley and I so want to get to hold that little bundle of wonderful!
I am not posting, much, because trying to catch up on school assignments is rough when the programs, tools - equipment I need to do the work are specific to this building or that class room lab all on campus.
For instance, I can't just sit down at 10 p.m. any given evening, here at home, and "catch up" on my Illustrator assignments, because they all must be done inside of the "Illustrator" software program - a pricy little bit of computer fancy, which I do not have.
I could download a free 30 day trial of that program to use at home, however I don't have a MacIntosh computer to load the dang thing down to (add another to the list of pricy, little bits of computer fancy that I do not have!) and... (ahem! <-clears throat), we all know the cliche about poor, starving artist... I'm not starving by any sense of the imagination, but I've got a whooper testamony on poor, so, little Miss Artsy-Fartsy me is not likely to get a MacIntosh on my desk this semester nor those remaining in my program pursuit. (insert dreamy, wishful sigh, here)
I just got to follow the admonition of my sweetie, Opie and "tighten up" every chance I get to get it done and remain on task. And find comfort and some balance in knowing that all concientious students face challenges in working through their course - it's that growing learning process we all love/hate.
So. Thems a lot of words to say I'm prioritizing school over play just now... however... ya'll should just KNOW that I still love you. (Beaming Smile!)
I'm pulling a nice little (hand drawn) picture together for Baby Haley. I'll post it and maybe the progression of it on here over the next couple days.
January's birthstone is Garnet, flower is Snow-drops, and since the party is this weekend the color's are Pink, and Red, and White.
The party theme (will be woven into my picture too!) is: Prayers go up, Blessing come down
May it ever be so.
Wishing good stuff for YOU... all ways and always,
D. ~
I am beginning to feel better ... which is good, because I'm throwing a Baby Shower this Sunday afternoon for that new baby, darling Haley and I so want to get to hold that little bundle of wonderful!
I am not posting, much, because trying to catch up on school assignments is rough when the programs, tools - equipment I need to do the work are specific to this building or that class room lab all on campus.
For instance, I can't just sit down at 10 p.m. any given evening, here at home, and "catch up" on my Illustrator assignments, because they all must be done inside of the "Illustrator" software program - a pricy little bit of computer fancy, which I do not have.
I could download a free 30 day trial of that program to use at home, however I don't have a MacIntosh computer to load the dang thing down to (add another to the list of pricy, little bits of computer fancy that I do not have!) and... (ahem! <-clears throat), we all know the cliche about poor, starving artist... I'm not starving by any sense of the imagination, but I've got a whooper testamony on poor, so, little Miss Artsy-Fartsy me is not likely to get a MacIntosh on my desk this semester nor those remaining in my program pursuit. (insert dreamy, wishful sigh, here)
I just got to follow the admonition of my sweetie, Opie and "tighten up" every chance I get to get it done and remain on task. And find comfort and some balance in knowing that all concientious students face challenges in working through their course - it's that growing learning process we all love/hate.
So. Thems a lot of words to say I'm prioritizing school over play just now... however... ya'll should just KNOW that I still love you. (Beaming Smile!)
I'm pulling a nice little (hand drawn) picture together for Baby Haley. I'll post it and maybe the progression of it on here over the next couple days.
January's birthstone is Garnet, flower is Snow-drops, and since the party is this weekend the color's are Pink, and Red, and White.
The party theme (will be woven into my picture too!) is: Prayers go up, Blessing come down
May it ever be so.
Wishing good stuff for YOU... all ways and always,
D. ~
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
To My Valentine...
To My Huckleberry Friend -
Today, you know, I thought of you...
Just the way I always do.
Yesterday, and the day before...
of you, I'm thinking, more and more.
Sometimes I think of what has been.
Sometimes my thoughts are more pretend.
I wonder if you think of me?
I wonder what those thoughts could be?
If I could only read your mind,
What kind of thinking would I find?
At times I feel I'm on the brink,
Of craziness with what I think!
Am I crazy to think of you,
Just the way I always do?
Maybe I should call and say,
How much I thought of you today....
I Love YOU so, so, so much!
Big, deep, heartfelt kisses and warm, tender-loving hugs - just for you sweetheart. Just for you!
Today, you know, I thought of you...
Just the way I always do.
Yesterday, and the day before...
of you, I'm thinking, more and more.
Sometimes I think of what has been.
Sometimes my thoughts are more pretend.
I wonder if you think of me?
I wonder what those thoughts could be?
If I could only read your mind,
What kind of thinking would I find?
At times I feel I'm on the brink,
Of craziness with what I think!
Am I crazy to think of you,
Just the way I always do?
Maybe I should call and say,
How much I thought of you today....
I Love YOU so, so, so much!
Big, deep, heartfelt kisses and warm, tender-loving hugs - just for you sweetheart. Just for you!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Watery eyes.
Burning throat.
Hypersensitive respiratory.
Light headed to the point of feeling faint...
Yesterday I was burning up.
Today I can't get warm enough.
Not good.
A teacher suggested that new "Airborne" stuff.
I went out and got me some.
Not sure if it's really making a difference or not - but I do like the way the lemon-lime effervesce feels going down my tender little throat.
Sweet sleep here I come....
Later, ya'll.
Watery eyes.
Burning throat.
Hypersensitive respiratory.
Light headed to the point of feeling faint...
Yesterday I was burning up.
Today I can't get warm enough.
Not good.
A teacher suggested that new "Airborne" stuff.
I went out and got me some.
Not sure if it's really making a difference or not - but I do like the way the lemon-lime effervesce feels going down my tender little throat.
Sweet sleep here I come....
Later, ya'll.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wanna get published?
Got the great American novel and need HELP(!) breaking into the business of all things literary?
Maybe Cyndi can help.
Here's her new website,
Meanwhile, yours truly has homework, artwork, and a Baby Shower on her "to do" list! :P
(and ... downloading the pieces/parts to a composit work for tomorrow's post!)
Maybe Cyndi can help.
Here's her new website,
Meanwhile, yours truly has homework, artwork, and a Baby Shower on her "to do" list! :P
(and ... downloading the pieces/parts to a composit work for tomorrow's post!)
Sunday, February 05, 2006

This is a nephew.
One of 2 belonging to the Queen of Panic! Heh.
(I begged the pix from him after I saw it up on our IM)
Once I got the photo, I realized I could use some of my new found skills to enhance it a wee bit.
=) Where was this technology when I was on my way to sweet 16?
Well, looking closely, you'll not only see his eyes are blue, but that I got rid of the camera lens lint, too!
Lots of love going out to this one, and all who pass this along this way today!
D. ~
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Here's my Friday...
I get up and get my happy self to class on time. So far so good.
I know I need to do these things: Class.
Homework for 4 different subjects, all due in classroom time, next week.
Bake and decorate a cake, (*for a small fee*), for a friend's Super Bowl party - I've already got the icing whipped up.
Take my friend, Helen, a precotious 74 year old, to the Beauty Acadamy, as promised, for her appointment.
Put in my hours at the work/study job in Brook's Halll (dorm's caffeteria).
Everything goes off on schedule, until I pick up the Helen, for her 11 o'clock.
She wants to know if I can possibly take her to the Medical Clinic (after the hair appointment - which will take about 2 1/2 hours). She needs to get some medication from there. They will give her some 'free samples' and since she's not yet successfully negotiated the new medicare tares, snarls, and snares, she desperately needs to get these samples, while the Doc. is still willing to allow it for her. *sigh*
Back to School... barely get cookin' with homework assignments and have to pack it in to go get the Helen.
On the way to the Clinic, Helen asks if we could possibly run by her bank - she's so grateful for the rides and favors she'd like to buy me a Wendy's lunch. . . and some gasoline too.
"OK." I say and add, "Your hair really does look lovely. They did a very good job with it today."
Off to 'mid-town' for bank then clear across town to Wendy's.
Nice lunch. Great conversation. . . although my thoughts are wondering here and there over how I'm going to get that cake baked up by the time I've gotta get to work??? ... and how ever am I gonna get all the homework time for classes???
I don't want to worry Helen with those concerns, she's worried enough as it is, over the hundreds of little details that have woven themselves into her life, through the passing decades. Details which still serve to challenge the Lady, some difficulties having become ever more magnified, with every advancing year.
I tell her how much I enjoy our chats and let her know that I've shared one of her stories in a classroom experience, earlier, this semester.
While having lunch, Helen remarks how she really does need to get some things at the store and could I possibly spare some time to take her to the Dollar General and then what ever she can't find there she'll have to pick up at the grocery next door. (?)
I'm such a sucker for the elderly.
2 1/2 hours later and with moments to spare, before I need to be on the job - I'm driving Helen back across town to unload her and her goods at her home. She is partially disabled - paralysis in her feet, etc, etc, etc... it's hard for her to negotiate certain terrain.
There is a big black garbage bag on the dilapidated porch. Helen can't negotiate the distance from her back door to the alley way were the garbage containers live. She'd like for me to take that garbage around the corner for her.
I'd love to do it too.
But, there is no time.
This time I can't say "O.K."
I promise to come back, again, after my shift to take care of that, too.
Right... never did get gased up and now I'm heading for work, while dang near running on empty.
Yet another thing to add to my list. Looks like my Saturday night is gonna be tight with me playing catch-up after work.
So much for "homework" and my little side business in "decorated cakes"...
They just don't have that much "seniority".
She's got her house dress on and "Chuck" the little dog is 'woofing' and 'Grrr-ing' protectively when she answers my firm knocks on her door, later, after my shift in the cafeterria's kitchen is through. I had over the bad of medications. She forgot them, left behind in my car seat, in the rush to unload earlier, this afternoon. "Oh!" I' ve been callling and calling you - you'll see that when you get home." She says. "I will need this medication in the morning, I'm so greatful you brought it back by!"
"And you know what else...," she says, more than she asks, "We never did get you that gas"
"I know."
"Don't worry about it."
"I'll pick you up for church on Sunday."
"We can maybe do something about it after that."=)
It's a privledge and a blessing to serve.
Ya know what I mean?
Have a great week's end everyone!
D. ~
I get up and get my happy self to class on time. So far so good.
I know I need to do these things: Class.
Homework for 4 different subjects, all due in classroom time, next week.
Bake and decorate a cake, (*for a small fee*), for a friend's Super Bowl party - I've already got the icing whipped up.
Take my friend, Helen, a precotious 74 year old, to the Beauty Acadamy, as promised, for her appointment.
Put in my hours at the work/study job in Brook's Halll (dorm's caffeteria).
Everything goes off on schedule, until I pick up the Helen, for her 11 o'clock.
She wants to know if I can possibly take her to the Medical Clinic (after the hair appointment - which will take about 2 1/2 hours). She needs to get some medication from there. They will give her some 'free samples' and since she's not yet successfully negotiated the new medicare tares, snarls, and snares, she desperately needs to get these samples, while the Doc. is still willing to allow it for her. *sigh*
Back to School... barely get cookin' with homework assignments and have to pack it in to go get the Helen.
On the way to the Clinic, Helen asks if we could possibly run by her bank - she's so grateful for the rides and favors she'd like to buy me a Wendy's lunch. . . and some gasoline too.
"OK." I say and add, "Your hair really does look lovely. They did a very good job with it today."
Off to 'mid-town' for bank then clear across town to Wendy's.
Nice lunch. Great conversation. . . although my thoughts are wondering here and there over how I'm going to get that cake baked up by the time I've gotta get to work??? ... and how ever am I gonna get all the homework time for classes???
I don't want to worry Helen with those concerns, she's worried enough as it is, over the hundreds of little details that have woven themselves into her life, through the passing decades. Details which still serve to challenge the Lady, some difficulties having become ever more magnified, with every advancing year.
I tell her how much I enjoy our chats and let her know that I've shared one of her stories in a classroom experience, earlier, this semester.
While having lunch, Helen remarks how she really does need to get some things at the store and could I possibly spare some time to take her to the Dollar General and then what ever she can't find there she'll have to pick up at the grocery next door. (?)
I'm such a sucker for the elderly.
2 1/2 hours later and with moments to spare, before I need to be on the job - I'm driving Helen back across town to unload her and her goods at her home. She is partially disabled - paralysis in her feet, etc, etc, etc... it's hard for her to negotiate certain terrain.
There is a big black garbage bag on the dilapidated porch. Helen can't negotiate the distance from her back door to the alley way were the garbage containers live. She'd like for me to take that garbage around the corner for her.
I'd love to do it too.
But, there is no time.
This time I can't say "O.K."
I promise to come back, again, after my shift to take care of that, too.
Right... never did get gased up and now I'm heading for work, while dang near running on empty.
Yet another thing to add to my list. Looks like my Saturday night is gonna be tight with me playing catch-up after work.
So much for "homework" and my little side business in "decorated cakes"...
They just don't have that much "seniority".
She's got her house dress on and "Chuck" the little dog is 'woofing' and 'Grrr-ing' protectively when she answers my firm knocks on her door, later, after my shift in the cafeterria's kitchen is through. I had over the bad of medications. She forgot them, left behind in my car seat, in the rush to unload earlier, this afternoon. "Oh!" I' ve been callling and calling you - you'll see that when you get home." She says. "I will need this medication in the morning, I'm so greatful you brought it back by!"
"And you know what else...," she says, more than she asks, "We never did get you that gas"
"I know."
"Don't worry about it."
"I'll pick you up for church on Sunday."
"We can maybe do something about it after that."=)
It's a privledge and a blessing to serve.
Ya know what I mean?
Have a great week's end everyone!
D. ~
1 Corinthians 12:31
... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.