Saturday, November 04, 2006

Confession ('97)

It was 1997 (I think?) when I first heard his ‘confession’…

Thankfully it had nothing to do with me – at the least, I had nothing to do with scaring the boy. I liked him. There seemed to be an instant immediacy, a familiarity and trust between us – although I never talked about this feeling to him, to see if he’d felt it too, I just accepted it as is. I’d had enough confirmation in time past to verify this feeling, whenever it came, as generally being a mutual deal.

I was just a momentary supervisor in time to him… an 'on-the-job' training coach for pity’s sake…

One night the boy blurted out, “Love is a bad, bad thing. I don’t want anything to do with love.”

I don’t recollect now, why he’d say such a thing to me. Perhaps I’d asked, in passing, how his girlfriend was, or made some conspirator’s remark as in: ‘wouldn’t you love to be done with work, out of here, and off with your friends ….?’

It surprised me, what he’d said.
Had I heard right?
Was this young man on the edge of hating love and hardening his heart?
….. forever, maybe?

I do remember what I said to him:

I told him that I thought he'd had it wrong.
That to me, love - true, pure love - is a good thing. The very best thing you can ever cultivate in your own heart and the greatest gift one human being could ever bestow, sustain, and nurture in relationship to another.

I told him that one needed to keep in mind though, that just because you'd the best, heartfelt gift to give - it didn't necessarily mean the person you'd most like to give it to, would receive that gift. They may not be able to.


Did he not know that there must-needs-be opposition in all things?

I told him I knew that there were a lot of wicked ‘things’ out in the world masquerading as love – all of which really had nothing, whatsoever to do with love - quite the opposite actually... those things, those pretentious, impersonating, imposters … were/are/and continue to be the bad thing, the scary thing, the stuff that’ll hurt you - for the very fact that they are not at all what they pretend to be, they are not LOVE.

I told him that:
Real love is the ‘balm’.
Love is good.
Good is good.

I’m not sure he heard me right. I wonder now if he’d thought I’d said, “REAL love is DA Bomb!

Isn't it amazing how, sometimes, trying to clairify something for someone else, helps us to better sort the subject for our own sakes?

For me, the scary thing was this thought of the young man ordering his world with the good thing as bad (and so very possibly giving bad things a status of gooood.) No decent coach EVER wants to see that!

hummm guess I'll roll over to Sunday on this note:

Hebrews 10:35 - Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.

Love and love s'more...


Azathoth100 said...

I used to believe that true love could conquer all. Man was I naieve. I learned as the years past that no matter how strong your love was, if the other didn't feel the same then it would never work and all there would be was pain. That was a hard lesson and the scar of it still lies on me heavy. Yet there is still love in there, and it has found another who treats it as if it were important. There is no scar that new love can't help sooth. I will always miss the one who I thought would be the valedation of my naieveity, but I will always cherish the one who showed me that all is not dark.
The truth of good is that you will not see it unless you want to. Whats the saying? None are so blind as those who will not see.

Libby said...

dorko-i think i've lost most of my confidence that life will turn out okay...*sigh*...hopefully, i'll be able to get it back...

Dorko said...

Aza - I hear you.
We have to pass through some fashion of our own learning curve with this... channeling the love vibe is (to me) a holy, sacred thing.
Lots of people think it's wasted or they've been played for fools if it's not returned in kind. (and, those not willing/able to subject themselves to scrutiny in truth my be right in having those very thoughts - I think. lol.)
...I still believe. Maybe because I feel like I'm still learning, here. ...and I love, love!
If Love is true and strong enough doesn't it take the high road and step off in the face of another who'd not have it?
Re: the truth of good is...
Thank you for that.
Libby - I'm not convinced, either that everyone's life is supposed to turnout ok. I do know there's purpose and sure promises to living it as fully and as well as we possibly can, while we have the ability - any ability - to do so!
Hugsss! <-(just for YOU!)

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.