Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Arabian Nights - Y2K

I must have missed this Hallmark, made for TV movie, back in the year 2000.

It caught my eye at the video store this past Christmas Season.

(Other than wishing I'd also seen that it had a 3 hour run time...)
I thought it was one of the most entertaining features I've watched in a good while...

If you get this, and want to watch it with children - look at the special features first - there's violence in the film and the special features show how all that is faked with movie magic - spoil the story?
Not hardly with this - there are 5 fanciful, & time-worn stories woven within the one master tale.
It is a gorgeous film!
Besides, wouldn't we rather teach the children lessons in what's real, and what's pretend, as early as possible in childhood development?

Another 'global' thing I liked about this film, is the ethnic diversity of the actors - all superb, & maintaining whatever home country accent they walked onto the set with. So! We see an Arabic-looking actor sounding Scottish, Asian looking actors sounding British, and so on.

I so wanted to watch this when all my nephews and nieces were in town - the weekend after Christmas... but, alas, we gathered around Priates of the Caribbean III instead.
Maybe NEXT time they all gather 'round - we can give this a whirl.
I know I'd be willing to watch it again!

I've always loved the Arabian Nights stories and this one is extremely well done!
(5 Stars!)


Burfica said...

That sounds good, I would love to watch it. I'll have to look for it.

Seeing as my son watched stuff like Jurrasic park and Aliens when he was 5 and so on. I had to teach him what was fake early on. He thought that dinosaurs really lived. hehehehe

Alekx said...

Careful pirates 4 may be out the next time you gather round.


Dorko said...

Burfica - ya mean there really is no lost valley where the dinos run free???
Alekx - lol! danger, danger everywhere...

Libby said...

dorko, of course there is! it's jurassic park!! lol!

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.