Tuesday, June 20, 2006


A couple up dates on the drawings I've been working. These are not the final versions by any means. At this stage, at least here in Blog-land, they are still WIP (works in progress).
The file association 'fartsandgarts' is a play off a specific password to a specific program I've used at the collage... 'garts' representing graphic arts and smarty pants me, thinking, "Well then, the Fine Arts would be..." ahem. Yes. ;)
So as not to get all 'diatribee' on you - I'll just skip to the latest thought: that I could check my freehand progress and perspectives through layers and opacities plus add interest in background - quickly - by scanning and then blending the 2 disciplines together.
This 1st image at the left is a Hack version of what I'm toying with.
Here's one other... looks like just the underdrawing I thought I had a few more in the bag with me today. My appologies to that special one of you who'd sent your darlings my way! I wish I would have jumped the lastest versions on to the drive for down load today - and I thought I had! The old brain must have subcomed to the heat... or should I blame humidity?
I have been busy-busy and most of these are complete or near complete in my sketchbook at home. Maybe I can manage another post before week's end....? I don't know if I'll be able to get that done. I am researching the biblical principle of "Unity" this week. I have to give a talk, you see. I've been called/asked to talk on that topic in next Sunday's Sacrament Meeting. I knew, in advance (through the spirit) that I'd be giving a talk soon - I just wasn't sure about the theme. I should have been able to guess, though. Seems like the Spirit always calls us to expound (and expand? ...ourselves, perhaps?) upon the very issues we're currently in need of reviewing.
Hope all your flowers are blooming brightly!
... and all ye children are of one accord....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Long time no write I know...
I've been doing some good work in my sketch pad.
Now... just how to get all that transferred over to here.

Hope you're all enjoying your summer.
Saw the first flashes of Fireflies just this past week...

LOVE Summertime!


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Great disconnect...

This is the last post from the old home base for awhile.
Students, especially non-trad - just have to pinch pennies where ever possible to attain their (academic and various other) goals sometimes.
So-long internet access.
Don't fret.
I'll be around.....

1 Corinthians 12:31

... covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.